In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Juan asks "Is it a sin if I don't like to read the Bible? Instead, I love to listen or watch these Biblical answers and questions on YouTube."
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “Hey brother just want to say when we believe in Jesus Christ and his life and death to save us does God give us his holy spirit and if not how do we get it and in the bible when they got the holy spirit they begin to speak in tongues do we have to just want to know how or if I have the Holy Spirit.”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “I'm praying for my health problems from last 10 years, before that I was Hindu. I accepted Jesus in 2010, but still, I'm not getting healing. I'm feeling like I have to live like this & losing hope recently. Last year my mother passed away due to the wrong surgery.
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “Does it really matter to pray if we or a loved one is sick? In that God doesn't change his mind. Our lives are already set.. does praying to be well actually do any good?”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “In recent years, I've suffered numerous serious injuries. I wonder if ther’re truly are accidents or if such events are from God--trying to teach me something--or attacks from Satan. Does everything that happens to us have a spiritual cause or a lesson attached? Every time I resolve to restart an exercise plan to strengthen my body and get healthy, I have an injury that sidelines me for a while, sometimes several months. I feel like David says at times, abandoned, even temporarily, by God.”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “Hello Dr. Betters, I am an avid fan of your videos and it had uplifted me from grieving from my dad’s passing. My question is that when you die, do you stay in your body until Jesus comes back or if you are saved are you going to heaven then? I asked this because I am confused about the sequence of the revelation and the rapture. It is said in the scriptures that we are all going to be the judge when Jesus will reign the earth. If that so our loved ones who are saved have not been in heaven yet, if that so, where will their soul be. Will the dead that is saved also wait for Jesus second coming? And what is happening right now that it means we are already in the tribulations and rapture had already happened? Sorry for all the questions but I hope I will find answers soon. God bless and keep safe.”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “Hi dr. Betters, I would like to ask, if online piracy or having some software that is cracked is a sin according to the bible? I understand quite well if it is a crime to the law of copyright. But is it forbidden by God?”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “My son & his wife (who live in Tennessee) welcomed a baby, Tessa, on May 27. My husband & I decided to go visit them to see the new baby, taking many precautions during the travel due to the COVID Pandemic. When we arrived I was filled with such joy to finally hold her as she was now 1 month old. The very next morning, my sister, Barbie, texted for prayers as my nephew, Joey, was in the hospital. His heart had stopped and that he was in critical condition. At that point, I was filled with such mixed emotions. I wanted to be happy for my new granddaughter but I was torn with such sorrow for my sister and her family. I was so confused and lost. I didn't know how to feel. How does one handle such a situation?”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “I have been in relationships for I know I need companionship but it’s not easy being single but how can I love someone who decides not to always be around. I don't want to be alone anymore it feels like I am dating me. I pray to God and all but I feel he been silent to me”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “All my life I’ve been attracted to the same sex, going back to early childhood (elementary school age). I’ve heard we’re born straight, gay, or bi. I’ve heard as a Christian that it’s a sin. I believe it is. I have never acted upon with it another man, only in thought and through fleshly pleasures. I am saved and baptized. I believe in God, in Christ. I’ve accepted Him as my creator and Savior and Lord. But I’m torn between why I’m gay and why He has never taken it from me. I’ve prayed for it to be taken, I’ve tried giving up the thoughts and feelings of sexual desire towards men. It never goes away! I hate it! It has consumed my entire life in every way and has ruined my life since middle school. I need help! What am I doing wrong to get rid of it? Am I to live with it till death yet learn to not act or think on it? Please help Dr. Betters. I’m at the point of giving up on God or dying now to have the peace I hear of in heaven.”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "What is the true meaning behind Timothy 5:8? I have been trying my best to understand this scripture and am still confused by it. It says "Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." Is this implying that even if you are a Christian believer who has trusted/put their faith and Jesus, that if they fail to provide for their family, that they are worse than someone who doesn't believe in Jesus? I find that hard to comprehend how those 2 people would be put into the same category. Am I missing something?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “Why does God not want me to be happy with my life? Why does God want me to feel miserable?”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “Hello, I ask this question as someone who is new to the Christian faith and I still have lots of questions. One of the questions is how do I know if I truly have the Holy Spirit? I’ve known about the truth of God for about a year but although I knew the truth, I never made the decision to truly become one of his children, until recently, a few days ago. I brought all these questions of my relationship to God to bear, I wonder now if I truly am saved and have the Holy Spirit in me. Not much has changed since I made the profession of faith, but I see myself reading his word more, praying more, and being more conscious of the things I do. Are these signs that I have the Holy Spirit? I’m just a little confused and would love some guidance.”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “We ask daily, How long O' Lord will our grown married adult child continue to break our hearts with hate and anger, abandoning us at critical times, refuse us our first glances or permit any access to our precious new grandchildren, and blame/berate us for the deep heartache they have suffered at the hands of their beloved church long ago? What does the heartbreaking process of letting go consist of, please, and where do we begin? We are losing Hope of any reconciliation. Thanks for the scriptures."
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "I'm a female and 80% content and happy about being single. Sometimes I get a strong feeling of wanting a spouse, but the feeling usually passes quickly. But I have such high standards for a man, that I cannot believe there is a man like that. It would take a true miracle of God to actually send me a man with all the values I want. Is it right or ok to ask God for a spouse with specific values, or are we supposed to be open and grateful for whatever He sends?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Tilak asks "Loved your videos, learned a lot! My question to you is, how do you as a believer manage to unconditionally love people who reject Jesus even after learning about him and be immoral (practicing idolatry, drug use, etc). All of us have fallen short of the glory but unbelievers seem to love their sin. How do I not hate them in order to keep the commandment?”"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Steven asks "I struggle with putting the pain behind do I let go and how can I make myself open to new opportunities? Yes, there is prayer and connecting and strengthening my relationship with God. But the pain is really powerful. I pray to exhaustion and I still have the pain of my divorce. I never wanted my divorce...I only wanted my wife. Maybe it wasn't God's will for us to be married since my wife has no faith in Christ. I'm grateful that we never had children. I'm 39 years old...How do I trust again? How can I minimize my risk of divorce not happening again?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Diane asks "What about the parable in Luke 16:22 in which JESUS SAYS IN HIS OWN WORDS, "So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom." Don't you think that if Jesus himself alone were carrying the beggar to Abraham's Bosom, he would have said so in the parable? If Jesus says something in a parable, is it no less a true indication of what happens at death? I agree that angels accompany Jesus when a believer dies and is taken to Heaven, and I think that it is believable that angels may be carrying believers at Jesus' instruction. I can't visualize what the believer's soul might look like at death, but it must be tangible enough to be carried by angels.""
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hombre asks "My question, why do we need to share or preach the gospel? We can just sit and wait because God has already chosen people to be his children, those chosen will soon come to church even without any person to share the gospel because God has already chosen them. Your effort could be just wasted if you keep on preaching or evangelizing the wrong person... unless if God will speak to you to whom you will preach his words, right?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Kimberly asks "I'm 42 I smoke pot cigs and take a pain pill one time a day I fully believe and read the bible daily am I going to hell, was baptized at 14 but didn't know what it meant."
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