Recommended BOOKS

By Betters, Sharon W.
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By Risner, Vaneetha Rendall
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By Risner, Vaneetha Rendall
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By Guthrie, Nancy
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By Guthrie, Nancy
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By Darby A. Strickland
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By Lawrenz, Mel
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By Dobson, James C.
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By Zondervan
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Help, hope and healing can start now! Anchored Virtual counselors seek to practically help those hurting by anchoring their hope in Jesus by gaining a better understanding of His promises. They offer reputable, convenient and confidential online Biblical counsel to those suffering or experiencing hard times, so they are better equipped to persevere by faith.

At Anchored Virtual Biblical Counseling, all counselors have extensive Biblical training so that they can apply Gospel truth to every counseling situation. They are evaluated on their knowledge of Scripture and doctrine, their counseling skills and wisdom, their commitment to assessing situations through the grid of the Gospel, and their own spiritual walk with Christ.



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more resources

MARKINC Ministries is a platform for producing and distributing resources that address life crises that are often experienced in isolation, long term, and difficult to share with others. Many of the resources are interviews with people who have found comfort, purpose and courage to those who are hurting, as well as practical ways their family and friends can come alongside them. Other resources include articles, sermons, blogs and video clips that encourage people to walk by faith.

In His Grip Sermon Series
Help and Hope Series
Ask Dr. Betters
Daily Treasure