Posts in Emotions
When Things Go Wrong How Can I Respond with Righteous Anger Instead of Sinful Anger?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "I am struggling with anger and I just don’t know what to do. I used to be happy but now even the small things that go wrong set me off. I have been a believer since I was a kid and I know that anger is a sin issue in my heart but I don’t know how to deal with it. I have been reading my bible and in Matthew 5:22 it says “everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment” and this scares me. When things go wrong how can I respond with righteous anger instead of sinful anger?"

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Am I Just Losing My Mind?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "There's someone from my past I want to let go of but can't. I've been praying to God for the past 3 years, asking He make me forget her and help me move on, but nothing has changed. The smallest things will trigger memories. I'll see her face in dreams, so clearly, like looking at a photograph. Is God telling me not to let go of her? Is it a demon distracting me? Am I just losing my mind? I've looked everywhere but can't find answers. I'm just so conflicted and don't know what to do."

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My Daughter Will Regret When I Die

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Connie writes "Dr. Betters I have a real problem with my daughter. She and I used to be close. My husband, her father passed away in Feb 2020. I’m 72 & she’s 50. She acts like she could care less if I’m alive or not! If I don’t agree with everything she says she jumps down my throat! I think she’s been to visit me 3 times since her daddy passed. She does work & I understand that she’s tired when she gets home. It has gone as high as 2 weeks before she calls. We did go on vacation together this past May but she was mad 3 out of the 4 days we were gone. It started the 2nd night at a restaurant when I asked her to put her phone down to look at the menu. She started yelling at me to never tell her to put her phone away. I had to get up & walk away because she was so embarrassing. I have prayed each night that God would soften her heart. I write all this because when my mom passed away I had so much guilt thinking of things I should’ve done differently. My daughter is my only child and I’m really not sure if she’d miss me when I go!"

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Praying For My Son To Visit Me In A Dream

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Linda Asks, “I have been listening to you now since my son passed away 11/12/2018, It's been so hard and I am sorry to hear about your son as well, I have a question. I have been praying for my son to visit me in a dream but nothing ever happens. All I want is for my son to tell me he is Okay, does this mean he is not with the Lord? He loved the Lord, but he struggled in his relationship with God because of drug addiction over a very long period of time. Then he ended up on medications. I ended up struggling myself because I felt as if I did not have a life because of his life I will never be able to tell him to forgive me for how I treated him, I treated him bad at times, I have asked God to forgive me I know I was wrong, it hurts so bad at times I am in tears now just writing this. Please advise on what the Bible says about this”

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How Can I Be Happy, When Others Suffer?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “My son & his wife (who live in Tennessee) welcomed a baby, Tessa, on May 27. My husband & I decided to go visit them to see the new baby, taking many precautions during the travel due to the COVID Pandemic. When we arrived I was filled with such joy to finally hold her as she was now 1 month old. The very next morning, my sister, Barbie, texted for prayers as my nephew, Joey, was in the hospital. His heart had stopped and that he was in critical condition. At that point, I was filled with such mixed emotions. I wanted to be happy for my new granddaughter but I was torn with such sorrow for my sister and her family. I was so confused and lost. I didn't know how to feel. How does one handle such a situation?”

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“Help! I’m struggling In Besetting Sin”

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Thank you so much Dr. Betters, and may our beloved God always bless all your paths. What if you struggle with besetting sin, like smoking a little (even though you managed to quit before), having some drinks… but it's not a "cherished sin", you do not like it, but there is a compulsion towards it, but the heart is contrite… and yes, still a struggle. also depression, anxieties still issues, Two years since truly got to know Christ, gave my life over, believed but sadly even though I grew up in church (Where my father was Catholic, my mother was Jewish) They never directed me on the true path, and those churches didn't either. I have a great fear for my parents who are no longer with me, they believed in God but did not read the Bible, so did not get to know God beyond this church systems which are quite false."

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