How Can I Be Happy, When Others Suffer?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “My son & his wife (who live in Tennessee) welcomed a baby, Tessa, on May 27. My husband & I decided to go visit them to see the new baby, taking many precautions during the travel due to the COVID Pandemic. When we arrived I was filled with such joy to finally hold her as she was now 1 month old. The very next morning, my sister, Barbie, texted for prayers as my nephew, Joey, was in the hospital. His heart had stopped and that he was in critical condition. At that point, I was filled with such mixed emotions. I wanted to be happy for my new granddaughter but I was torn with such sorrow for my sister and her family. I was so confused and lost. I didn't know how to feel. How does one handle such a situation?”