In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “Dr. Betters, Thank you for the videos. Great stuff! What about tithing to the church..? I have found that my church has not done anything to reach the lost, evangelize the community, nor build relationships to continue building others…
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “I’ve heard you say that it makes it clear in the Bible that it’s wrong to talk to the dead. But what if they’re talking to you first? Throughout my life, I’ve had many spirits speak to me and I can’t help but speak back.”
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “Is there sorrow in heaven? Isaiah 65:17”
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “I have been married for almost 23 years and have 2 very brilliant and successful daughters, however, my marriage has not been that successful we have had continual problems due to lack of trust, family problems and worst we have no sexual relations nor any closeness with each other…
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “Is it a sin to not attend sunday services?”
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “Can you explain Proverbs 22:6 in context for me? I parented with this verse encouraging me to train our kids in the way they should go, believing that they would all indeed follow Christ. At the very least…when they are old. I was, and am, extremely heart broken…
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “Is there anything in the bible about aliens?”
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “Is it permissible to take Communion alone at home?”
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “My question is about the verse in Philippians that says “My God will supply all your needs.”I had a low-paying job that worked out unless something broke, in which case I couldn’t fix it. Eventually my car gave out, taking my job with it, and limiting my options. I DO have medical coverage based on my low income (now no income), but I have bills…
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “My 21 year old son passed away while at college baseball practice. His heart just stopped. There were no symptoms and no history. He was healthy and not a drinker or drug abuser. He was a wonderful son. He was my best friend. I’m so heartbroken. I don’t want to live…
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “Hi Dr. Betters, I stumbled across your youtube channel while searching for more answers and insight into God, Jesus and myself through fellow brothers and sisters of God. As I grew into my teen years I noticed a change in myself, I was developing habits, lying stealing, pornography, greed, manipulating and other forms of sins….
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “I am a Christian that is lost. I’m from Puerto Rico I’m 26 and I suffer from constant anxiety. I worry for things that have not happened yet and I’m constantly under fear, I don’t sleep well, I don’t eat well and the same anxiety makes me vomit every time I eat. I don’t seek professional help because I think I don’t have a serious problem until now. I believe in God and Christ but I’m completely lost…”
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “I had a question regarding sin itself. I know in scriptures it tells us “We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God.” It also says that “if we say we have no sin, then we are only fooling ourselves and not living the truth.” So my question is…
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “Are we going to have the same feelings we have here on earth in heaven?”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “My mom just died last week, and I am so scared for her salvation or not. I’ve prayed for answers. I can become a better Christian, and be a disciple for Christ and be there for people and my dad. At the end of the day, I can still not do anything about my mom. How do I deal with this struggle?”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters continues the question, “Within marriage, what is acceptable and unacceptable in the bedroom?”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “Within marriage, what is acceptable and unacceptable in the bedroom?”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “Hi Dr. Betters. What does God think of narcissists and sociopaths and psychopaths. Do they go to heaven? I was involved with a lady and she destroyed my family and financially. I broke up with her. She hates me but I still feel sorry for her. They are not normal. I pray every day for her. Will God help her if I really pray for her.”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “Hi Dr. Betters I have a question about my late wife we were, married one year and eleven months before she passed into eternity. About my why did this happen to me so early we didn’t spend enough time together, she passed on after she gave birth to our baby boy…
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “Psalm 37:25 says, “I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging for bread.” I am in desperate straits, looking for work but with no job or income. If I go to a food pantry, would that be a form of begging bread? Would that place me as unrighteous, not necessarily unsaved, but in some way not in good standing with the Lord? Thanks for your thoughts.”
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