How Do I Stop Swearing?

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "What about swearing, I stumbled and I hate it but I try and try to stop, and sometimes it will just burst out of my mouth without thinking due to frustration. It makes me so upset and I hate it so much I feel sick about it"

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The Millennial Kingdom

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Howard asks, I was reading about the millennial kingdom in Revelations and a question came to mind. When Christ physically returns to earth and set’s up the millennia kingdom, nonbelievers will be cast into the lake of fire along with Satan. He will rule for a thousand years. At the end of the thousand years, He will release Satan ‘for a short period’ and Satan will create havoc again and Jesus will cast Satan and his followers back into the lake of fire forever. My understanding is that those who follow Satan are human. Now under the belief of ‘once saved, always save’ that implies that children will be born. Is that correct? Have I gone astray in my thinking? What do you think?"

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Will There Be Heartache In Heaven?

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "I was married for 21 years and my husband died of cancer 7 years ago. Will he know me as his wife or someone else? My heart still ache and I still cry for him. I am trying to live my life each and every day serving God and being a kind human being. You have answered a lot of questions for me. Thank you and God bless." "I lost my 17yr old son and my husband within a year. I am asking why did this happen." "When we see our loved ones, I know that we'll be so happy to see them. However, when we do see them, won't that bring up all the good and bad memories that we shared with them, and then our happiness won't be at 100% ??? Sorry for asking!!"

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Is It A Sin To Worship From Home?

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Dr. Betters I have a question. My husband I and were both baptized and believed in the bible and its teachings. We left our church due to much conflicts within the church and members adding in rules and teachings that the bible doesn't support, I want to go to church with my daughter and husband again. It's been so hard finding a church with our beliefs, so many churches don't teach or follow what the bible instructs. Husband is no longer interested in going to a church with us because he doesn't believe they have the right doctrine. What can I do to help us hold on to our Christian beliefs without having a church that teaches the same ways? Is it a sin not to worship at a gathering place even if we still do from home? Thank you."

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How Specific Should We Be In Prayer?

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "I always follow your videos, Dr. Betters. Thank you so much. I am from the Mindanao part of the Philippines. I just want to ask. 1. Do we really have to pray specifically? Like mentioning his/her name to be your husband/spouse? 2. How will you know if it is given to you by God if in case he/she is also someone else's prayer?"

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If We DO NOT See Our Loved One In Heaven, Will We Feel Sadness?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Will we know recognize our loved ones in Heaven... Your answer was you believed we would. My question is if in heaven there will be no crying sadness or sorrow how then would we recognize our loved ones what if some don't make it to heaven will they be erased from our minds? If not wouldn't that cause sadness knowing this ?"

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