In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "What should I do if I have a hard time focusing while meditating on God?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "What I don't understand is that the Bible says it is wrong to visit fortune tellers or spirit mediums, but the people who wrote the bible often relied on what they were told by 'angels'. How do we know that these 'angels' were good angels, and in order to of been able to communicate with them, the writers of the Bible must of in some way been mediumistic? Is there a contradiction here? I hope I’m explaining myself in a way that you understand."
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "If A Woman Had An Abortion Will She See Her Child In Heaven?"
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "I learned a lot from this, however, I do have a question. How do we know when He’s saying “no” or “wait”? Often times the wait can feel like He’s saying no"
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "hi, Dr. betters, my Muslim friend was taught to believe, since he was a child that he could get to heaven by the Muslim method, my SDA friend was taught that he must keep the Sabbath, my JW friend was taught that it will be upon the earth and he must sell watchtower magazine, my catholic neighbor was taught that he had to be a catholic. I was thought that at the point of death, I must have no sin in my life. including my tithes must be paid up! and everyone is fully convinced that their way is the only way. how do I know that yours is any better than someone else?"
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Are you in agreement that folks who give to multi-millionaire evangelists money- who flourish with luxury lifestyles... $100 million jets...?"
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Will I See My Three Miscarriage Children When In Heaven?"
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "A learned man who taught a lengthy class on angles, diverged when he was speaking of the two angels who escorted Jesus during the resurrection. He said that he thinks that when the believer passes from this world to heaven, that we will have at least two escort angles to guide us and protect us on that journey. In humor, he said that 'I am not going to war over this issue" but he does believe there is sufficient scripture that supports his thought. His studies and belief support the two events you witnessed when you shared in "What happens when we die?" Keep doing what you are doing. If not on this side, I will see you on the other."
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Why would our 'spirit's' need to go to heaven first, only to be somehow reunited at some future point at the resurrection? And why would God allow some believers the comfort of some final vision of say, Jesus - just before they die, or some sign they are going to heaven, and yet others see/experience nothing?"
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "All my life I’ve been attracted to the same sex, I’m going back to early childhood (elementary school age). I’ve heard we’re born straight, gay, or bi. I’ve heard as a Christian that it’s a sin. I believe it is. I have never acted upon with it another man…
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Robin asks, In recent years, I've suffered numerous serious injuries. I wonder if they're truly are accidents or if such events are from God--trying to teach me something--or attacks from Satan. Does everything that happens to us have a spiritual cause or a lesson attached? Every time I resolve to restart an exercise plan to strengthen my body and get healthy, I have an injury that sidelines me for a while, sometimes several months. I feel like David says at times, abandoned, even temporarily, by God."
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "You mention the rebellious son is left to the “loving care of the elders” in church discipline. Our son, 6th of 8 otherwise God-fearing adults, was living with a young woman (whom he has now married and has a son). He would not come before the church to repent, so he was excommunicated from fellowship with the church…
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Vicor asks, Dr. Betters, I just want to know your opinion concerning 9/11, the ones that jumped from the towers could that be considered as a suicide. Did they get lost?"
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Dear pastor- much Love from India. My name is Kavita from India, and I am 27 years old. My dad died 2 years ago. He walked with God every day. He was my hero and I can't forget him. I went through depression because of his death, I couldn't take it. I know he is with God in Heaven. My question is, I know when I meet him again he will recognize me, but does he consider me as his daughter again? Do I call him dad in heaven? If that won't happen I'll be broken. What do you say about this?"
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Cathy asked, It's become so surreal just how homosexuality has become so open and free to see and talk about. Know the story of Sodom and Gomorrah being destroyed, because of this. Now today we see it everywhere. Do you feel that some people who are homosexual, will live in Heaven for eternity…
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Kim asks, I have been in relationships for I know I need companionship but it's not easy being single and in love with someone who decides not to always be around. I don't want to be alone anymore. It feels like I am dating me. I pray to God and all but I feel he been silent to me"
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Will we be allowed to mate in heaven and reproduce off spring? Whether now after death or after the end of time?"
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "We ask daily, "How long O' Lord" will our grown married adult child continue to break our hearts with hate and anger, abandoning us at critical times, refuse us our first glances or permit any access to our precious new grandchildren, and blame/berate us for the deep heartache they have suffered at the hands of their beloved church long ago? What does the heartbreaking process of letting go consist of, please, and where do we begin? We are losing Hope of any reconciliation. Thanks for the scripture."
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Derek asked, I lost my 33 year son in 2001 and still think it was my fault due to a divorce when Shaun was only 9 years old. My second wife was 65 years got a grade 4 brain tumor to this day I can't get past it was my fault due to me allowing her to use a mobile phone and I bought for her 6 years earlier and she was always on the phone every day. She passed away after 2 years in 2019 I love to watch your videos and you will be able to help me in some way please."
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hello, I ask this question as someone who is new to the Christian faith and I still have lots of questions. One of the questions I have is how does one know if they truly have the Holy Spirit? I’ve known about the truth of God for about a year but although I knew the truth, I never made the decision to truly become one of his children. That all changed a few days ago …
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