What Does It Mean To “Repent Of Your Sins?”

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Jared asks, Hi Dr. Betters, I am 42 years old and blessed with a beautiful wife and 2 daughters. Around 2 years ago something changed in me and I started wanting to go to church to worship, I started praying and thanking God for my many blessings and feeling ashamed of my sins. My question is what does it mean to repent of my sins? There are a lot of people that say you must repent of your sins to go to heaven. There is also a lot of people that say we are saved by faith in Christ alone. To stop sinning all together is impossible and this scares me to face God on my last day."

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Was Jesus Against Slavery?

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Sir i want to know whether Jesus Christ has said anything against human slavery or not. As it was the most inhumane act practiced those days. ? I am not a Christian but I have found only one person faultless in this world that is Jesus Christ. So he must have forbade people to make poor people their slaves."

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Our Marriage Is Suffering From ED

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hi Dr. Betters. My husband and I have been together for 30 years. Five years ago my husband was told that he has coronary artery disease and as a result he has ED. In the past several years we dont have sexual relations with each other because of this. I've expressed my sadness about this and I'm angry to some degree because our intimacy has ended. My husband feels badly but still unable to perform . To me this has hurt our relationship which once was wonderful. So now what ? Thank you"

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Should Single Women Cover Their Heads?

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, " Dr. Betters, I seek to obey all of my Saviour's commands and expectations. Paul writes about how women should cover their heads while praying as a sign of being covered by their husbands, Paul states the hierarchy: God is over men, husbands are over their wives (and children). But what about single women, who obviously don't have husbands over them? I've never been married, so do I not cover my head with a veil or scarf?"

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What Are Your Thoughts On Premature Death?

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Please pray for me, I'm grieving the loss of my husband of 37+ years and no one understands me. I believe that there were some errors in his ICU care and I believe correlates to his condition wording and me being falsely advised of his condition, to cover up the mistakes that led to him passing away. I felt rushed by everyone around me to make a decision to take him off life support. My heart is broken and my grief has been magnified. I have a strong faith in God and I don't want to broaden the grief of my children or other family members. I want to look into my concerns, but I'm grieving too hard and no one is really wanting to help me. Do you have a recommendation? I know God doesn't make mistakes, but I know man did. What are your thoughts on premature death?"

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Can Evil Spirits Be Attached To You?

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Is it possible for someone to create or produce an evil spirit they can attach to you, to hear everything you say and know everywhere you go? Even things you say in the privacy of your own home or the privacy of your own car? If so, how does one get rid of it for once and for all?"

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How Do I Look At My Daughter And Not See Her Sister Who Died?

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Robert asked, Hi Dr Betters-I just want to say I stumbled upon your videos and I am so glad I did as I believe there are a lot of people out there that need clarity with what the bible says and how they can apply it to their everyday life, me being one of those people. Back in 2013, my 4 yr old daughter passed away and my life has changed as you can attest to. I was not a Christian at the time but that all changed after her passing. I have been baptized and accepted the Lord as my savior. My heart still is heavy though especially on days like today which was her birthday. The Lord has blessed me with two more children and I do grieve with the hope that I will see her again, but it still hurts deep inside. I guess my question to you is how do i look at my now 3 yr old daughter and try not to think of my other daughter who passed at almost the same age. It seems very unfair to my 3 yr old but it is the reality of life."

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How Do I Live A ‘Perfect Life’?

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "So I consider myself a Christian because I believe in God and I try my best to pray, read his word, and become closer with God. I know one of the things the Bible says to do is to repent of your sins. Repentance is one thing that I struggle with a lot because it is very hard to live a perfect life. My question to you is if a person who believes in God and truly has a deep relationship with him falls into sin very often, can they still go to heaven? I know I sin quite often and I ask God to forgive me every time I do it because I know it’s wrong and I feel guilty. But does God still forgive me every time I do it since I technically haven’t truly repented and if I were to die today would I go to heaven? Thank you very much for your videos they help out very much and God bless"

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My Niece Is Reading Tarot cards

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "John asked, I have a niece who I hold in very high esteem who recently began reading Tarot cards. I know that the Bible warns us to not dabble in the occult and divination. She was raised up in the Catholic faith but I not sure if she truly knows Christ. I visiting her and her family in a week’s time. How can I convince her that what she’s doing is very risky?"

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