In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Tom asks, "Dr. Betters will you do a video on Ecclesiastes and its meaning, is life really meaningless?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "I’m 19 and lost everything. I blamed God when I asked for his guidance on financial matters and watched it drain away knowing there isn’t food at home. How can I trust him when he lead me into wreckage? I would’ve done better with my own understanding."
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hi Dr. Betters. I have another question. Are there degrees of reward and punishment? For example, will someone be rewarded in heaven more than others but still be saved? Likewise, will someone be in hell and not be punished as severely? I've wondered about this."
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Tom asks ""Hi Dr. betters I have an extremely strange question which would have been better private but I will ask your advice it would help a lot. So I noticed in the previous videos you mentioned you played Golf, well I have played all my life I have spent hours on upon hours playing I tried to turn pro it didn't work out, etc but my problem is I was always much better than my results showed as you know golf is a mental game as well physically but my mind would torture me self doubt anger tension all creep in. I was told I need to trust my game more now this is where my question is does Jesus or god have any bearing in sports or golf etc because some days players get them lucky breaks or a player is holing every putt he sees., does god control anything to do with this or is a sport not important to god, etc he would not be worried about a game of golf? It’s just when I play sometimes I feel like the devil holds me back because I have a lot of self-doubts. I know you and many others would say this is not important in life but it’s been a life’s work for me to get to where I am so it means something to me personally to improve to where I know I can be. So how would you stay in the present one shot at a time think positive etc from a biblical standpoint? And is the sport of any interest to God can he control the outcome? Over the years we have seen some unbelievable things in all sports. I would be interested to hear your point of view. Thanks, Tom"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Angela asks "Dr. Betters, can you please explain God's will for children born from rape?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Larry asks "Dr. Betters, what does it mean in the Scriptures when it says knock and the door shall be open ask and you shall receive? I get so many different views on that and I’m confused."
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Marta asks "Hello, Thank you for your encouragement! I have a question. I’m a teenager and I’ve been living with God for a few years now. I truly want to live for Him and I know that He has a plan for me and He wants to use me for His glory. But I lost excitement for life, it surprises me but I no longer dream about my future family for example. I really trust God and put my future in Him but I really lost passion in life. I’d be thankful for your Help."
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, DayDay asks "I am 32 years old. I’ve been with my husband for 15 years. This year 2021 my husband unexpectedly passed away, on Valentine’s Day of all days, at 49 years old. We have three children ages 3,4 and 11. We have already been through so much in our lifetime (financially mentally and emotionally) and God took my husband from us, for what? What kind of God would want to see me and my children suffer? I don’t understand it, and I need answers. It’s not OK for God to leave me in this lifetime without answers and just think I’m supposed to forget about it when I die. Like I’m supposed to forget about it and my brain is supposed to be wiped clear and not have any questions. No it does not help me that people tell me that the heavens need him more because that’s not the case. We have a family together and I need him more. God has my husband for eternity. How could he need him more?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Donata asks "My granddaughter (age 13) believes she is gay and dresses that way. Her parents have condoned this. Her father, my son, was raised in a Christian home, and knows better, but allows this. There are other things going on in this family that is tearing my heart out with a heaviness for my granddaughter to not be left behind. Please help me in the way to approach her, that she is not left behind that Satan doesn't use it to pull her further away, but the Lord uses it to pull her closer to him, that she may become a witness for others in Jesus name."
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Lilly asks "Hi, I have a question about forgiveness. Does the fact that I still feel hurt about something my late husband did and said mean I haven't really forgiven him? I am trying hard to let go of the hurt. I thought I had forgiven him but now I'm not sure."
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “Does it really matter to pray if we or a loved one is sick? In that God doesn't change his mind. Our lives are already set.. does praying to be well actually do any good?”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “My son & his wife (who live in Tennessee) welcomed a baby, Tessa, on May 27. My husband & I decided to go visit them to see the new baby, taking many precautions during the travel due to the COVID Pandemic. When we arrived I was filled with such joy to finally hold her as she was now 1 month old. The very next morning, my sister, Barbie, texted for prayers as my nephew, Joey, was in the hospital. His heart had stopped and that he was in critical condition. At that point, I was filled with such mixed emotions. I wanted to be happy for my new granddaughter but I was torn with such sorrow for my sister and her family. I was so confused and lost. I didn't know how to feel. How does one handle such a situation?”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “Why does God not want me to be happy with my life? Why does God want me to feel miserable?”
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Can you do a session on why God takes our loved ones from cancer? How to cope with watching your adult child or even a young child die from it."
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "We ask daily, "How long O' Lord" will our grown married adult child continue to break our hearts with hate and anger, abandoning us at critical times, refuse us our first glances or permit any access to our precious new grandchildren, and blame/berate us for the deep heartache they have suffered at the hands of their beloved church long ago? What does the heartbreaking process of letting go consist of, please, and where do we begin? We are losing Hope of any reconciliation. Thanks for the scripture."
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Please pray for me, I'm grieving the loss of my husband of 37+ years and no one understands me. I believe that there were some errors in his ICU care and I believe correlates to his condition wording and me being falsely advised of his condition, to cover up the mistakes that led to him passing away. I felt rushed by everyone around me to make a decision to take him off life support. My heart is broken and my grief has been magnified. I have a strong faith in God and I don't want to broaden the grief of my children or other family members. I want to look into my concerns, but I'm grieving too hard and no one is really wanting to help me. Do you have a recommendation? I know God doesn't make mistakes, but I know man did. What are your thoughts on premature death?"
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “My 21 year old son passed away while at college baseball practice. His heart just stopped. There were no symptoms and no history. He was healthy and not a drinker or drug abuser. He was a wonderful son. He was my best friend. I’m so heartbroken. I don’t want to live…
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “Hi Dr. Betters I have a question about my late wife we were, married one year and eleven months before she passed into eternity. About my why did this happen to me so early we didn’t spend enough time together, she passed on after she gave birth to our baby boy…
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, “I have been watching your series and enjoy and learn from it. I saw your video on emotional abuse. It took me many years and care from a psychologist before I learned and accepted the fact that I had been emotionally abused by my wife…
Read MoreIn this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Thank you for your videos. They have been very helpful and comforting to watch in my suffering after my Dad’s death due to medical malpractice. I live in Colombia South America. My question is: in one of your videos you mention that the Lord will reveal to us why that terrible event happened. ..
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