Grief and Anger, Part 3 of 4

A young woman hit by several deep losses through death asked for help in dealing with anger. She asked several friends, "I guess I'm in the anger stage of grief. I am so frustrated and taking my anger out on my husband and children. Some days I'm ready to explode. My family doesn't deserve to be treated like this. Help!"

The responses were so wise and helpful, I asked the women she asked for permission to share some of their advice with you. Over the next few days I'll post their comments with hope that they will encourage another who is struggling with the abyss of grief. This is Part 3.

Melanie's Response

Friend, I echo what has already been said. I was going to say the same things regarding anger.....anger in itself is not a sin, but we are encouraged in Scripture to not sin while angry, and the way we do this is by directing it towards our Heavenly Father. He is big enough to carry all of our feelings and pain.

Whenever I am struggling in life, especially through grief, I cling tightly to the Psalms. My heart often cries out the same questions as David's did, and it is comforting to read how the Good Shepherd gives confirmation of His deep love for us. When life's circumstances are screaming around us, it is difficult to "Be Still...", but it is in those quiet moments alone with Jesus, that your broken heart will feel hope renewed. Praying for you today, dear sister, that you will see glimpses of your Savior's love. His mercies are new every morning, and He has endured all of the grief and shame we experience in this fallen world. He will never let us go. I pray everyday that it will be the day He will break through the clouds and take us home, and everyday I am reminded that we are one day closer.... 

Carol's Response

My dear Friend, There isn't anything I can add to what these wonderful sisters have already said, except to tell you not to be afraid to talk about it. Find someone who is willing to listen to you talk, whether it be about your anger or about your mom. Someone who is willing to listen to you, to cry with you, to pray with you. There are many who are not comfortable doing that but there are plenty of women who are. Don't be afraid to express yourself.

Monday - Part 4