In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hi, Dr. Betters, can you make a video on how to pray through the psalms? Do you literally read a whole psalm as a prayer that doesn't seem to make much sense or do you take parts of it? What is the best method? Thanks"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "My question Dr. Betters is since we will not remember their sins or our own sins, Will we rennet each other, and all the good memories we had with one another on earth. Or will that all be obliterated from our memory???" with "Hi, Dr. betters, can you make a video on how to pray through the psalms? Do you literally read a whole psalm as a prayer that doesn't seem to make much sense or do you take parts of it? What is the best method"
Read MoreIn this episode, both Dr. Betters answer the question, "How Do You Know You Are Called To The Ministry?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters and his wife, Sharon Betters, answer the question "Dr. Betters, are you okay?""
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, ""My question for Muslims Christians, and Jews is this: if being in heaven means you are eternally happy that means it must be perfect but how will I be happy if for example, my whole family didn’t get into heaven but I did even if they weren’t evil they simply just were non-believers? Also, how is it fair that someone can live their whole life putting others before them and living life the way ‘god’ would want them to accept the fact that they didn’t believe in their creator makes them doomed to hell whereas an evil person who has repented and then says, for example, goes out after repenting and gets hit by a car meaning they have no chance to ever go back to sinning could still go to heaven?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Why does God get a free pass why doesn't he sin? Why are only humans capable of these god-like abilities to defy good? Why is God protected from these curses why doesn't he stop this experiment now?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "I wasn’t raised in a Christian home so I am really scared that I won’t be an effective father. What are some of the secrets to raising children in a way that they love Jesus when they get older?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, ""Hi Dr. Betters what does it mean to take the bread and the cup? And do Christians need to do it and when..? Thanks" and "Hi Dr. Betters. I was wondering about communion. What are your thoughts on how and when it should be taken? Take care"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "As I'm catching up on episodes this one seems like a perfect time to ask this question. I'd been watching a sermon series by a local pastor. He said there's not 1 passage that satan led a rebellion in Heaven before the earth was created. There is no origin of satan in the Bible. He references Rev 12:5-12. This sounds like the story I feel I grew up with, warring in the Heavens, satan defeated & banished, etc. But he says Revelation is a story of the future. Vs 5 shows this occurred after Jesus came to earth, not before the creation of the earth. This has upset me for days now. Is there an origin of satan, how was he in the garden to first temp Adam & Eve? Thank you for your consideration on this topic."
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hi Dr. Betters, I have a question lately I have become very worried, as in Proverbs chapter 18 verse 1 it says The one who lives alone is self-indulgent, showing contempt for all who have sound judgment. I live alone Dr. Betters I don't have many friends family etc I work and have hobbies etc but I am a bit socially awkward, I find it difficult speaking interacting with people sometimes so I stay home often. So am I sinning according to this proverb have I understood this proverb correctly??? Thanks for all your work Dr. Betters”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Should we read the first 3 chapters of Genesis as literal text? Is the earth, roughly, 6 thousand years old?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "How to avoid sexual sin when you are single and unmarried and what the scripture says about it when you know the person is only interested in this one thing? I was told it would consummate the relationship before marriage such a low standard one would assume or say."
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "It’s 8 billion people on earth and 3 billion in China. Is that enough space for us in heaven? Makes me wonder so many humans on earth and everyone has a different view of God. My question can 8 billion people fit into heaven? The more people on earth the more I question God’s existence.”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question “Will we still be married to our spouse in Heaven?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "How can we be expected to live with a disability that causes us constant pain when heaven is there? How can I not want an end to my pain without going against God's plan for my miserable existence?”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters brings on his son Dr. Betters, for a Conversation Between Father and Son.
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "My Husband and I never made it to our second wedding anniversary. Our marriage was troubled, I gave our relationship everything I had to give but something wasn't right. My husband became very angry and rarely wanted any part of Intimacy. I felt sad, hurt, and jealous, and he began to openly stare and lust after teenagers, I stayed the course but on 11-24-21 he died after a 2-month hospital stay, we didn't have much communication between us during this time. We both had covid and I wasn't allowed to visit until the morning he was vented. I was in complete shock several months after his death. He was always very secretive about his phone and laptop but after having the laptop password removed. I had a huge shock, porn, file after file of the most disgusting subjects I could ever imagine. I even found sex Videos of him and his ex-wife inviting others into their marriage. I feel so broken he seemed so sincere that he loved me and wanted our marriage to work. I guess my question is if he repented on his death bed will he still go to heaven? I'm certain he would have likely continued his secret life had he survived but doesn't God know the difference between repentance as opposed to fear? If you could please give me some solid biblical answers I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Dr. Betters, do nonbelievers who sacrifice their lives to save others get to go to heaven, please? There are lots of martyrs in WWII to ensure success in battles for justice, if they didn’t get to know Christ or not believing in Christ, by an act of sacrifice will that help get them to heaven?”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Thank you so much for your ministry, dear Dr. Betters! God bless you and your family in Jesus' name. Do you have any advice for a believer still struggling with addiction? is there a need for some sort of deliverance when the struggle is ongoing and seems to be such a stronghold, even though you do what you don`t want to do, but can not break free, but the LORD did set us free but somehow you are still under a yoke of slavery....thank you!”
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "My Son and I are former Mormons. He moved to Georgia and joined a phenomenal Baptist church there. My home is in Denver, CO. and after visiting him In Georgia on several occasions, I fell in love with this church. When I came home and then COVID hit all of us, I watched the Sunday sermons online every week and still do. My Son has passed away and I want to continue to watch this Pastor’s sermons in Georgia. Will continuing to watch online, but not be able to take communion, hinder my desire for my future in Heaven? Thank you for your response.”
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