Death Bed Confessions

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "My Husband and I never made it to our second wedding anniversary. Our marriage was troubled, I gave our relationship everything I had to give but something wasn't right. My husband became very angry and rarely wanted any part of Intimacy. I felt sad, hurt, and jealous, and he began to openly stare and lust after teenagers, I stayed the course but on 11-24-21 he died after a 2-month hospital stay, we didn't have much communication between us during this time. We both had covid and I wasn't allowed to visit until the morning he was vented. I was in complete shock several months after his death. He was always very secretive about his phone and laptop but after having the laptop password removed. I had a huge shock, porn, file after file of the most disgusting subjects I could ever imagine. I even found sex Videos of him and his ex-wife inviting others into their marriage. I feel so broken he seemed so sincere that he loved me and wanted our marriage to work. I guess my question is if he repented on his death bed will he still go to heaven? I'm certain he would have likely continued his secret life had he survived but doesn't God know the difference between repentance as opposed to fear? If you could please give me some solid biblical answers I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!"