In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Good morning Dr. Betters, I hope you are well. My beautiful sister decided she doesn’t want to be a Christian anymore as she supports abortion. She told me numerous times that she will take her chances, apologizing to Lord Jesus on her dying bed. I was so scared when I heard this. Would you please tell me from a biblical point of view, if this way of thinking is wrong? We can’t outsmart our Lord. Thank you so much, Dr. Betters"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Why is God allowing demons to ruin my life? Can you counsel through demonic possession? U.K England"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Dr. betters this is Larry texting you again do you believe in near-death experiences?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Questions I have been thinking: Why would Satan torture people in hell for disobeying the same GOD he disobeyed? Why put us through all of this? We literally could have been living good. Why are we punished for one person's actions"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hi Dr Betters, I have a question that I have not been able to find the answer to. Satan is a fallen Archangel, not a god; however, he seems to be omnipresent, causing evil everywhere on Earth at once. How can this be since angels are not omnipresent, only God is? Thanks for your videos and biblical wisdom. God bless."
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "There's someone from my past I want to let go of but can't. I've been praying to God for the past 3 years, asking He make me forget her and help me move on, but nothing has changed. The smallest things will trigger memories. I'll see her face in dreams, so clearly, like looking at a photograph. Is God telling me not to let go of her? Is it a demon distracting me? Am I just losing my mind? I've looked everywhere but can't find answers. I'm just so conflicted and don't know what to do."
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hello Dr. Betters quick question… it’s been on my mind for some time. How things been going on in this crazy world. Does God forgive all sins? Does he forgive humans who fall short due to sin? Does he forgive killers, rapists, and homosexuals? anything that's not right does he forgive? Or do people go to hell for that? Just a question that’s all. THANK YOU"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "What do you do if your spouse isn't religious?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Thank you for your informative videos. I became a Christian at age 40 now I'm 51. I have an autistic teenage son with violent tendencies. Every time he beats us up or hurts himself I lose more love and respect for the faith I thought I had. Today I hate God as I've never hated anyone or anything. 15 years of beatings and suffering has taken its toll on my faith and love for God. I need a string to hang on to or I will perish, lately, I blaspheme God as if he is my family and my worst enemy. I need help!!!"
Read MoreHow do I know if I’m living like the “old me” instead of the “newness in life in Christ”? I find myself sinning almost daily. I dont want to do it anymore, yet this is the thousandth time I’ve said that probably. I am a hypocrite, but I dont want to be. I want to stop and im trying to stop yet I fall almost daily. Am I truly still not saved?
Read MoreHi Dr. Betters, could you shine some light on the evolution of the institution of marriage? Polygamy was accepted in the old testament. I imagine that incest was too in the times of Adam and Eve since their family was the only one that existed, and had been commanded to be fruitful and multiply. None of this is acceptable to God anymore.
Read MoreHello Dr. betters, I wanted to ask you about Covid since we have Covid does that mean that we’re a step closer to the Lord coming and another question if you get the Covid shot, do you still make it to heaven, could you please let me know thank you and God bless
Read MoreHow can heaven have a multitude of people in heaven if only a small minority ever goes there?
Read MoreAm I expected to forgive the person that killed my 15 year old son? What does forgiveness even mean? Does it mean I won't seek revenge? What about the fact they never asked forgiveness. Am I obligated to forgive if they don't ask?
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hi Dr. Betters! I am a 24-year-old female and I have a question about marriage. I know that wives are supposed to submit themselves to their husbands. However, every female family member of mine (my mother, grandmother, aunts, etc.) submitted themselves to their husbands and ended up being abused and controlled by them. The idea of submitting myself underneath a future husband makes me feel so uncomfortable that I would rather live a life of singleness. However, I want to have children in the future. What should I do?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hi Dr. Betters, could you do a video on the 7 deadly sins?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "What if you're a shy person and not versed in scripture, can't you lead by example?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hello Dr. Betters. I'm a Christian who attends an Evangelical church that has never preached on the 2nd Coming in the 50 years I've attended though they teach and preach the Gospel. They are not preaching the whole Word of God. I have friends there. Would it be wrong for me to split my time between this church and a more dynamic church that is not afraid to preach from I and II Thessalonians?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Thank you so much Dr. Betters for answering my question. I'm sure you are a busy man and I feel like you are directly talking to me like my grandfathers did before Christ brought them home. It has really brought some memories back to me. I have so many more questions to send to you in the future about scripture and personal experiences. If I may ask one more question, How do you know if God is calling you to preach? How do you know if you are getting called to ministry? If I may ask how did you know?"
Read MoreIn this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "If you have a passion for a certain prayer to be answered, would it be safe to say the Holy Spirit has given you that passion? I have been praying for the safety of my 2-year-old son and trying to get him completely away from the other parent. Lots of witchcraft and huge spiritual warfare. Very dire situation."
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