How can I tell if my wife is telling the truth or lying?

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "My wife is depressed, she blames me for her depression. She also has cheated on me and is currently doing so via text message. We are separated, but we live in the same house. She doesn't know if she wants to work on our marriage. She says she has demons in her head that she needs to work out before she can love herself or me. Is she telling me the truth or lying to me?"

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Where does Job's strong faith come from?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "One of your videos you mentioned that the book of Job was the first book of Scripture ever written. Since Job did not have other Old Testament books to refer to in times of crisis, where did his strong faith and unwavering confidence in God come from such that he was able to trust in the character of God no matter what happened to him?"

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My wife keeps leaving me and coming back. Can I divorce her the next time she leaves?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "My wife was diagnosed with bipolar and she refuses to admit it, therefore she is not medicated. Over the last 4 years she has left me (and our daughter) several times. Each time she tells me she wants a divorce and I tell her I don’t want a divorce so she leaves. Then, a few months later she apologizes and wants to come back home. Every time I take her back because isn’t that what Christ does for us? My question is, would it ever be okay for me to say, “enough!” Can I ever go through with a divorce?"

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Can I get re-married?

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "I am a single parent of two teenage girls. I divorced my husband 5 years ago after he severely beat me. I have now met a man that loves the Lord and loves his kids and I believe he would make a wonderful father for my girls. His ex-wife was unfaithful to him. Biblically, are we allowed to remarry? Would you recommend it?"

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