How can we learn to trust the Church again?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Church gossip has nearly destroyed our family. The timing of invented-stories and stretched-offenses has only intensified our losses, as we were deeply grieving the deaths of nearly a dozen precious people in our lives in less than 1 year, some who died tragically with no warning. With no energy to spare, our utter disbelief became crushing, as a cool cup of water could not be found inside the walls of the church, especially as we spent every waking hour ministering to our huge, hurting mission fields outside the walls of the church. As the pain within the church became greater than the pain outside of our beloved church, the remedy became clear - with one bloody attack after the other - someone had to stop the bleeding. How can we ever learn to trust the Church again? We long to be in the Body of Christ where we belong..."