"What She Said" Series

Have you ever listened to a speaker, read a blog post, article and book and resonated so much with the truth communicated that you knew you couldn’t say it better and you wanted to exclaim, “What she said!”

God has encouraged and inspired me by gifted communicators, many of whom I have never met. After reading their work, I often sit back and exclaim, “What she said!” I’m delighted to introduce some of them to you through the devotional series "What She Said". We are kicking off this theme as a summer series and then periodically we will introduce you to other writers in between new devotional series. Each writer brings a unique style but shared passion in proclaiming the help and hope of the Gospel through their writing and speaking. I suspect that you know many of them through studying their books or following their blogs. Some of those whose writing will encourage you each morning.


"What She Said" Writers

Sharon W. Betters is a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, pastor’s wife, and cofounder of MARKINC Ministries, where she is the Director of Resource Development. Sharon is the author of several books, including Treasures of Encouragement, Treasures in Darkness, and co-author with Susan Hunt of Aging with Grace. She is the co-host of the Help & Hope podcast and writes Daily Treasure, an online devotional.

Sharon W. Betters is a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, pastor’s wife, and cofounder of MARKINC Ministries, where she is the Director of Resource Development. Sharon is the author of several books, including Treasures of Encouragement, Treasures in Darkness, and co-author with Susan Hunt of Aging with Grace. She is the co-host of the Help & Hope podcast and writes Daily Treasure, an online devotional.

Paula Miles is wife to Kevin and mother of four. Paula has experienced the joy of being both a full time homemaker and a public school teacher. Studying and teaching God’s Word is her passion, as well as coming alongside women to encourage them to understand their unique design and fulfill their individual callings. Paula is on staff at Clemson Presbyterian as women’s ministry coordinator since 2014, is a conference speaker, and serves on the national women’s ministry team for the PCA as a women’s ministry trainer.

Paula Miles is wife to Kevin and mother of four. Paula has experienced the joy of being both a full time homemaker and a public school teacher. Studying and teaching God’s Word is her passion, as well as coming alongside women to encourage them to understand their unique design and fulfill their individual callings. Paula is on staff at Clemson Presbyterian as women’s ministry coordinator since 2014, is a conference speaker, and serves on the national women’s ministry team for the PCA as a women’s ministry trainer.

Patsy Kuipers often refers to herself as “Gardening Grammie”, a title that encompasses two of her favorite pastimes. Widowed at age 38, she was blessed to be gainfully employed all the years she spent raising two daughters on her own. When her job was eliminated several years ago, she returned to school to study horticulture, a passion born of caring for the garden her husband left as part of his legacy. Patsy is Grammie to three small but enthusiastic garden helpers. She enjoys teaching them about plants and the One who created them. Patsy started her blog, Back 2 the Garden (patsykuipers.com), to tell others of God’s great love and faithfulness. She is a member of Grace Covenant Church in Dallas, GA where she serves on the Women’s Ministry Committee and leads women’s Bible studies.


Karen Grant loves being a pastor’s wife at Parish Presbyterian Church. She and her husband have three grown children and 6 amazing grandsons. A graduate of Covenant Seminary, she also served on the PCA’s multicultural church planting and mercy committee. She and her husband co-founded Franklin Classical School in Franklin, Tennessee, where she continues to serve on the board of trustees. She enjoys studying & teaching the Bible, reading, traveling, cooking, working out with her exercise buddies, and all God’s creation.


Marie Monville - From Marie… I’m a wife and mom of 6 kids. I recently became a “Lolli” (my term for grandma, yes my husband is “Pop”) and love everything about my sweet grandson. I’m passionate about my family and believe in the redemptive beauty of adoption. You’ll find me advocating for the older child. Family dinners are special, so they are a priority in our home. Sometimes that means a nice meal on real dishes, and other days, that’s leftovers on paper plates! I’m a dreamer, a believer, and if you’re in my circle, I’ll champion you and your goals! I love real relationships, and that means living life with authenticity. So yeah, on any given day there might be 12+ pairs of my kids’ shoes between our living and dining room; I’m still working on that! (https://mariemonville.com/about/)


WHAT SHE SAID - PART 4- Daily Treasures

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