Loves Me, Loves Me Not - Again
Loves Me, Loves Me Not
Chuck hates Valentine's Day. As soon as the marketing gurus launch their onslaught of commercials designed to create deep guilt for every man who doesn't buy his love a diamond ring, heart shaped necklace or sexy lingerie, Chuck warns me not to expect anything. After all, he doesn't need anyone to tell him how to express his love for me. He does that every day by the way he treats me. My husband is a romantic and I have lots of stories I could tell about how he has demonstrated his love in surprising ways over the years. In ways that are so much better than a Valentine's Day Card that he has to buy because of marketing pressure. Yet, I brought preconceived ideas
Loves me, loves me not . . .[The Rest of the Story]
The Next Chapter
So, has Chuck succumbed to the Valentine's Day marketing pressure? Ah, yes. But I'm always surprised. Last year on Valentine's Day, flowers that included a teddy bear and candy and other sweet gifts arrived at the very moment good friends pulled up to our home. I couldn't stop laughing as I opened the note. He couldn't have planned it any better!
Don't tell him, but I'm kind of hoping he meant it last night when he warned me not to get my hopes up. I have been so busy, I wasn't even thinking about Valentine's Day until he mentioned it. So. I am taking his advice. I'm not thinking about it. Any pressure he feels comes from within - not me! We'll see if he's taking his own counsel and not thinking about it, either! Whatever his thoughts, I am pretty sure we'll still be laughing.