Posts tagged Radio
Andrea from Knoxville TN

This morning was the first time hearing In His Grip, needless to say it made an instant impact on me. My spirit was immediately lifted as I listened to the broadcast on WRJZ , Joy 62- Knoxville, TN. Being in the drive thru at McDonald's, I couldn't get my food fast enough so I could pull into parking spot and write information about the ministry. Hearing the message blessed me and I can't wait to share it with others! Giving a monthly contribution, I think, is an excellent opportunity to further the work being done by the ministry! "In His Grip" radio broadcast is spreading the Word and Works of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and God our heavenly Father in truth! God bless and keep you...

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David from Tennessee

I listen to Joy 620 out of Knoxville TN on my very early commute to work each morning. I heard Dr. Betters series out of Judges, and I just want to say thank you. Its great to hear Bible teaching, expository, covenant believing pastors on the radio. Now on my hour commute I get to listen to sound Scripture teaching that I can apply to my walk with Christ.

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Bill from Pilgrim Radio

"We're very pleased to be airing his sermons over the Pilgrim Radio Network - they've ministered to so many through the years.  Incidentally, just yesterday I shared your resource "When M.S. is Your Constant Companion" with a part time staff member here who's had M.S. for 20 years.  He was very encouraged to hear it."


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Stephanie from New Jersey

"I came across your radio version of "In His Grip" about four months ago, completely by chance, on 95.3 FM on my way into work...I want to let you know how much I feel that I have learned from this series and how comforting, inspiring, and motivating your sermons are...During my four or so months as a listener, I have heard you preach on a great variety of topics such as marriage, general respect or lack thereof in this modern world, how the world is changing, getting through painful times in your life (such as your early courtship with Sharon and the death of your son, Mark).  I agree with and enjoy learning from your words and conservative approach to preaching....I thank you for your ministry "In His Grip" and I will continue to be a huge fan, of another faith, in South Jersey."

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Kerry from Illinois

"Hi, Pastor Betters. It's your long distance son, Kerry from Chicago. Just wanted to both thank you and encourage you for, once again, preaching...There have been many tears shed in my life since that time, but those sermons and your Romans 9 teachings have kept me in a ways only God can explain. I am categorically comforted in my trials every time I think about those scriptures. It is impossible for me to miss God's timing or his destiny for my life....I am in tears as I write this email, because I feel like you've been God's angel sent to me for these past long and weary 4 years. And you will continue to be my angel and top go to preacher until I meet my divine destiny. I love you....Your preaching gift and delivery style has impacted my life, and you are one of those people who helped make a radical change in my spiritual walk and theological thought-base. Now and for years to come, when people ask me, "When did God really give you an understanding of who he is character-wise, and experientially?”, I'll say without hesitation "When he introduced me to Dr. Chuck Betters of MARKINC. I'll remember you until I'm 100 years old, God willing I live that long. Take care"

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Email from Philip & Monika

I’ve been listening to you on the radio (AM 740 WVCH) for three years, and our family has visited your church.

    I’ve heard you mention several times about the death of your son, how it affected your life and ministry. I could never truly relate to how you felt, until now. My 19 year old son took his life on Monday, 27 Feb. He was diagnosed with mild schizophrenia brought on by an excess production of dopamine and refused treatment/medicine. He was saved and baptized 6 years ago and we believe he is now with the Lord in heaven. It was easy for us to say, “Yes Lord,” during the good times. Now, during the bad times we are learning what it really means to trust in the Lord."

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Anonymous from Pennsylvania

I recently lost my beloved husband of 44 ½ years.  He was my soul mate, my true love, the man I have always loved and will continue loving into eternity.  In His Grip is a lifeline for me.  Some days I am on my knees, thanking God for the faithful preaching that is helping me trust Him again.

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Ken from Nevada

"I have been listening to your sermons on the life of David and I have been enjoying them immensely. I have found them convicting, encouraging, and bringing much glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. Keep your eyes focused upon Jesus. My wife and I will pray that our God would be pleased to continue to use you in the spread of His Kingdom."

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Email from Anonymous

"The words spoke last Wednesday or Thursday on Chuck Betters struggle with depression  were so powerful such as calling our suffering "Divine invasions" and the way God recognizes our suffering by holding us.  What beautiful, inspiring words!  Chuck is so blessed.  I have family members that suffer from depression and the words Chuck expressed have healing power.  I would like to order several copies. Thank you so much for a wonderful program!"

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Chris and Danielle from Nevada

"Our local radio station has recently been programming your series on the life of King David. We have enjoyed this series, and how we love the stories of David. What a man of God David was. You really have a great gift, how you have presented these messages. The series have been on at 5:00am in the morning, we own a bakery and we are awake and really enjoy and look forward to hearing you. Thank you for allowing the Lord Jesus to use you as a channel of encouragement and teaching. You remind us of David Wilkerson, he is one of our favorites. Please don't ever stop delivering such a powerful message, which preaches the truth with power and conviction"

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Joyce from California

"I listen to your sermons on Pilgrim Radio…I wanted to share with you how much they have blessed me.  I am a widow of 2 ½ years now, with 2 teenage boys and a married step-daughter with 2 grandchildren.  We all went through a very difficult time with the sickness and passing of my husband. He died from cancer…I have the CD’s you made with the woman from your church who had walked exactly where I was walking just before I did.  They were amazing to listen to. I thank you Chuck for your ministries, thank your wife and everyone who works at MARKINC Ministries."

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Anonymous from Pennsylvania

"First, let me tell you how much I enjoy listening to you on the radio.  I began listening to you when I started taking doctoral classes at Saint Joseph's University.  I would listen to you from 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM. It made the drive such a spiritual one!  I have since finished my doctoral classes. I was upset because I didn't always remember to turn on the radio at 5:00 PM.  However, to my surprise, I had the radio on one day on my way to work and noticed that you spoke from 7:00 AM to 7:30 AM.  It's a great way to start off the day!"

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Email from Robin

"Because of your radio broadcast, I now know why my life was so painful and it is a gift to bring this to hurting people everywhere.Without getting into a lot of detail, I am a recovering addict. I used to shoot dope, among other things and I was in recovery for about a year. I had a brain aneurysm December 10, 1999. Because of the Mercy of God I have recovered fully and still going strong. I was divorced after 20yrs of marriage, so you see I have a lot to bring to the streets. Now, because of your program, I understand so much better."

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Email from Anonymous

"I just wanted to thank you and encourage you for your preaching on Abraham (Hebrews 11)! There have been many tears shed since I discovered you on In His Grip, but those sermons and your Romans 9 teachings have kept me in ways only God can explain. I am categorically comforted in my trials every time I think about those scriptures. It is impossible for me to miss God's timing or his destiny for my life. With that said, God bless you, sir. You are an amazing instrument for Jesus Christ. I am in tears as I write this email, because I feel like you've been God's angel sent to me for these past long and weary 4 years."

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