Posts tagged 2nd 30
Email from Joy

This is just what I needed today. Sharon, all of your writings are so “spot on” and for me today and truly pierce my heart with truth even though sometimes I’m not sure if truth is what I think I want to hear! Thank you for your writings...for your experiences and the way God uses you in sharing with others. You touch my heart in many ways I would never see otherwise.

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Email from Caroline

Treasures in Darkness is a blessing!!!! One thing I love about the Betters Family is their honesty. They are genuine in everything. A lot of christians pretend to be spiritual when they are on trials. They think that's the best way to help other people who suffer. Not true. If you see the Betters tell them there's a person who lives in Colombia South America who really appreciates their ministry.

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Email from Tracy

Good morning! Our homeschool group has had a really tough year with illnesses, deaths, and other issues. But it has brought us together so closely and given us so many opportunities to pull out of our own tiny spheres to help others. I believe it has been a good learning experience, too, for those who previously either had not had a true community or had not seen the Lord’s encouragement in action.  Thank you so much for your books and devotionals which have provided a call to action and practical ideas for service and encouragement.

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Email from Anonymous

Dear Sharon, I read your devotions daily and I just have to tell you that I love them.  I know you’ve heard this over and over but your style and impacting words are amazing and it touches my heart to the point of water dripping from my eyes and my heart swelling like water on a sponge.   Thank you that you serve our Lord in this way - a way that emits understanding and plucks at one’s soul with deep meaning.  Simple but true. I just wanted to let you know that reading theses devotionals every day has helped me feel that ever-closeness with our Jesus.  I have been going through a broken marriage - no details - but without the Father I would not be standing up right now from the crushing blow of it all, and feel at any moment a collapse could ensue.  I just wanted to thank you for the way your words, uniquely put, have been such an encouragement.  I pray one day I can help someone else through my story and dependence on Him. 

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Email from Marian

I just wanted to tell you that I’m grateful for your ministry. I had heard you speak at a women’s retreat in Westminster Maryland when the woman who was supposed to speak got cancer and was unable to come. That’s when I first bought Treasures in Darkness. I have passed it along to others, ost recently to Nicola Kangas who, along with husband and siblings, lost her 18 yr old (?) son. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your journey and what God has taught you along the way. Grace and peace, Marian Brophy

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Email from Terrie

Just a note to say thank you for the Daily Treasures of Encouragement. I feel as though the Lord is using pretty much all of them, just for me. 🤷‍♀️

You know my story, and I was just reminded by someone very close to you,  that Jesus knows what it’s like to feel all alone. And, He was completely righteous! Thank you, and the guest writers SO much for constantly reminding us (ME) of Truth. 

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Voicemail from Minnesota

"I just wanted you to pass on to Sharon how much her devotional means to me and my daughter. We're going through a lot. Our grandson was just been diagnosed with autism and it's a struggle because we are family of very little means. We just don't understand why God's doing this...Your devotions encourages us each day…Thank you!"

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Andrea from Knoxville TN

This morning was the first time hearing In His Grip, needless to say it made an instant impact on me. My spirit was immediately lifted as I listened to the broadcast on WRJZ , Joy 62- Knoxville, TN. Being in the drive thru at McDonald's, I couldn't get my food fast enough so I could pull into parking spot and write information about the ministry. Hearing the message blessed me and I can't wait to share it with others! Giving a monthly contribution, I think, is an excellent opportunity to further the work being done by the ministry! "In His Grip" radio broadcast is spreading the Word and Works of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and God our heavenly Father in truth! God bless and keep you...

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Jayne from Webpage Submission

Please tell Dr. Betters how much his videos have helped me. My husband age 52 died in a farming accident on July 9th and I found this ministries' videos on YouTube. They have helped me through the grieving process and give me hope of seeing my husband again. I did not get to tell him good bye and it has been very hard. My hope is in the Lord and my strength. Thanks for your ministry. It has been a comfort.

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Teresa from Webpage Submission

I want to thank you for sharing your son's death and how you and your wife worked through it. We lost our 23 year old son and his wife to be in an accident in Missoula, Montana June 13, 2017. They were both saved and I have no doubts that they made it to Paradise/heaven. I'm not sad for them, but ever so heart broken for me. I have seen the hand of God work in different peoples lives since taking Joshua and Debbie. I don't think I will ever understand on this side of eternity the reason He took them. I know in my heart when I get to join them, it will make perfect sense then. God's ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts. I just wanted to thank you for your channel on YouTube and for sharing your story about your son. It did help me. 

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Comment from Jeanette

I think anyone who offers up their lives willingly to Christ, asking Him to use us for His glory, for His Kingdom, will ultimately be given trials and tribulations. Without them, we're weak. Without the suffering, we're left with little personal reference to the awesome power and sovereignty of God over our lives. I realize that the day I surrendered my life to Christ - fully desiring to be used by Him for His purposes, I became exposed to more trials. But through them I became more exposed to His spiritual truths. More exposed to His miraculous intervention. More aware of His presence and the presence of angels....along with the presence of the enemy. He taught me to fight... and through the battles made me stronger, braver, more trusting of His faithfulness. He never left me. And He never will. And I learned that HIS name can still cast out demons. His name can still set a captive free. His name is more powerful than any name, any enemy ever created. His blood is more powerful than any weapon formed against us. He IS always sovereign over our lives so long as we submit to Him daily. I learned to cling to Him in the darkness....I learned that to Him- there is no difference between night and day. In His presence, we can always find protection, deliverance, and peace. Thank you for your ministry Pastor Betters, and thank you for always being faithful to God's Word. Love & prayers for you and your family! God bless!

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William from Webpage Submission

Me and my wife, came down to your spring gala, with our handicapped son, who is in a wheelchair. He has a fatal disease called Duchene MD. It attacks the muscles. Your guest speaker talked about caregiving, Matthew really enjoyed himself that night. Everyone from your church was really nice to matt, but the highlight of the night, was after the speech, your guest spent several minutes talking to matt, and signed a book and gave it to matt. What a humble man he is. My entire family really enjoyed themselves that night. Pastor Bettors you do so much for the community and in your church. We love coming down to your church from blackwood NJ. Merry Christmas to you and Sharon and to your family.

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David from Tennessee

I listen to Joy 620 out of Knoxville TN on my very early commute to work each morning. I heard Dr. Betters series out of Judges, and I just want to say thank you. Its great to hear Bible teaching, expository, covenant believing pastors on the radio. Now on my hour commute I get to listen to sound Scripture teaching that I can apply to my walk with Christ.

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Tawn from Georgia

"After reading Treasures in Darkness, a mother emailed Sharon to relay her own story of personal loss and grief.  Sharon sent her the Loss of a Loved One CD.  The mother wrote us to say, “Thank you for the gift….It really is so meaningful to be able to talk to someone or to read about someone’s feeling who truly understands the grief and heartache a parent feels."

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