In this interview, you’ll hear Sherry describe what it was like to hear the diagnosis of M.S. and how it changed her life. Listeners with a similar diagnosis will be encouraged by the way Sherry has confronted this disease and learned how to continue to invest her life in the lives of others, even though she is sometimes physically limited. This conversation will also help “healthy” people learn how they can come alongside of someone whose constant companion is M.S.
Read MoreIn 2009, Debbie Kahler was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, a disease that strikes fear in the hearts of anyone familiar with its deadly prognosis. Most people would respond with despair to such tragic losses, tempted to give in to the fear of losing their own battles. Yet that is not the message of Debbie’s journey.
Read MoreThere are six key scriptures that specifically address homosexuality. Dr. Chuck F. Betters interviews three pastors about their understanding of how to interpret each one of these Scriptures, not as stand alone words, but as part of the whole Bible.
Read MoreWhat’s the Christian Church to do? Western Culture not only accepts but also celebrates same sex attraction as an appropriate and normal lifestyle. Are people who do not accept homosexuality as right and appropriate hateful and small minded?
Read MoreOur western culture encourages us to embrace and encourage same sex attraction as normal, appropriate and just as “right” as any other sexual relationship. But is it? In this transparent interview, Sharon Betters talks with Donna and her counselor, Ellen Dykas about Donna’s struggles with same sex attraction.
Read MoreIn this transparent and sometimes emotional interview, Dr. Chuck F. Betters talks with three men and their counselor about their struggles with same sex attraction. No question was off limits and listeners will hear these men address such issues as how people who loved them treated them even though they disagreed with their life choices; how their churches responded; and ways they were hurt by people who claimed to be Christians.
Read MoreIn this transparent interview, Mike and Sherry share their story of help and hope, as they describe the impact of cancer on their children and marriage, the reaction of friends, and the practical implications of such a diagnosis. They also share practical suggestions for those just starting this cancer journey. Their story will not only encourage the cancer fighters, but will help equip those who love them to help find the right medical care and face the challenges of each day.
Read MoreBethany Hamilton, the Soul Surfer, lost her left arm to a 14-foot tiger shark when she was 13 years-old, which seemed to end her career as a rising surf start. One month after the attack, Bethany returned to the water and within 2 years had won her first National title. In this interview, Bethany speaks directly to young girls about facing your fears, overcoming challenges and focusing on faith.
Read MoreThe headlines scream the stunning news far too often: Officer killed in the line of duty. What happens to the families of these brave men and women? Why would God let this happen? What about law enforcement families who lose their loved one in an off-duty death? We are confident this transparent and practical interview will not only encourage law enforcement families but will help those who love them better understand their grief journey.
Read MoreCarolyn Fredericks shares her own grief journey after the death of her husband. This transparent interview will encourage widows and their families, that there is hope and purpose after the loss of a beloved husband.
Read MoreIt’s an epidemic that knows no cultural, age, race, or financial boundaries. Why does an addict continue to use heroin when they know it’s destroying their life? Why is it so hard to break the chains of addiction? Is relapse a normal part of an addict’s journey? We ask these questions and more. It’s our desire that those who hear this interview will know there is hope in the darkest corners of addiction.
Read MoreIn this transparent interview, Patti shares her shock and pain when her husband divorced her. Listeners will hear how she told her children and helped them deal with their own broken hearts, found the right attorney, processed the deceit and betrayal and learned how to forgive.
Read MoreInstead of enjoying the freedom that comes with young adulthood, there is a whole population that struggles to reconcile their physical limitations with everyday life. Three young adults share their own stories of dealing with delayed life plans, limited social lives, and the search for friends who “get” their physical disabilities. Tim, Stephanie and Stephen give us a glimpse into the ongoing battles to find purpose and joy as they live each day with chronic illnesses.
Read MoreA chronic condition is a human health condition or disease that is persistent or otherwise long-lasting in its effects. The term chronic is usually applied when the course of the disease lasts for more than three months. These interviews with women with chronic illnesses are able to give thanks to God everyday even when their pain becomes too much to bear.
Read MoreNumerous studies reveal that sexual abuse is rampant and the scars of betrayal go deep. In this transparent interview, Sharon Betters interviews Dr. Terry Eccles, who shares her own story of repeated abuse by her father and how she is finding freedom from the past.
Read MoreSuicide is a broad and deep issue that has many different contexts. Sometimes mental illness plays a role in suicide, but not always. In this transparent conversation, Jonathan’s parents share their son’s story of mental illness that didn’t show itself until he was in college.
Read MoreThis resource will help adoptive families enjoy the blessings and struggles of adoption. This compelling interview is designed to equip adoptive parents and adopted children to better understand the “primal wound” that some adopted children experience.
Read MoreDays away from the joy of holding their first child, Bill and Michelle feel their world crumbling as the doctor’s words settle in to their souls, “There is no heartbeat.” Justin and Carrie look forward to welcoming their second child into their home when their doctor gives them the same horrific news. Two couples, two responses to loss that seems almost impossible to bear.
Read MoreTotal American Lives Lost in Vietnam: 58,253. As of 1973 Missing In Action and Prisoners of War: 2, 646. As of 2010 – 1,698 MIA/POW are still unaccounted for. The average infantry saw 240 days of combat in one year. The average age of a G.I. in ‘Nam was 19 years. Each one represents a man or woman and their families who have lived with the consequences of unresolved stress and anguish over the excruciating sacrifice our country made for a war America did not win.
Read MoreThis resource addresses and honors the ultimate sacrifice made by brave men and women on behalf of our nation, for us! Dr. Chuck Betters and his wife, Sharon, interview Richelle Hecker who lost her husband and Burt and Donna Kephart who lost their son when each made the ultimate sacrifice, leaving behind beloved casualties of the war in Iraq. These interviews tackle the most provocative challenges of losing a loved one in battle and will profoundly impact you as you experience their “walk through the grief and pain.”
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