Posts tagged Infant Loss
Miscarriage: Deeply Traumatic, Tragically Common

In this conversation,Jessalyn Hutto brings hope to women who grieve the loss of their children through miscarriage. She offers a priceless gift to those women coming behind her who have experienced such deep loss. Jessalyn reminds listeners that Jesus cares very deeply about every child who is lost to miscarriage and He cares very deeply about every mother who is deprived of that life.

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Carrying a Baby Who Will Die

About one million babies world-wide die each year within 24 hours of birth. What if you knew from the time you were about five months pregnant that your baby would be one of those children? In this conversation, Sharon Betters talks to Diane Bansbach about what it was like for her to learn her much wanted baby girl, Amy, might not survive birth, let alone live outside her mother’s womb. Diane and Sharon share a few tears as Diane steps back into that season of loss and grief and tells Amy’s story in a way that offers hope and counsel to those facing a similar tragedy.

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Stillbirth: From Empty Arms to Hope and Healing

Days away from the joy of holding their first child, Bill and Michelle feel their world crumbling as the doctor’s words settle in to their souls, “There is no heartbeat.” Justin and Carrie look forward to welcoming their second child into their home when their doctor gives them the same horrific news.  Two couples, two responses to loss that seems almost impossible to bear.

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