Suicide and Mental Illness: Jonathan's Story

Suicide is the third leading cause of death in the United States among 10 – 14 years olds and 15 – 24 year olds, and the second leading cause among 25 – 34 year olds. Suicide is a broad and deep issue that has many different factors. Sometimes mental illness plays a role in suicide, but not always. In this transparent conversation, Jonathan’s parents share their son’s story of a mental illness that didn’t show itself until he was in college. For many years, Jonathan worked hard to live fully with mental illness, but one day the struggle became too much for him. Jon and Marian, Jonathan’s parents, share their son’s story in a way that offers help and hope, not only to men and women who struggle as Jonathan did, but to their family and friends as they struggle to pick up the shattered pieces of their own lives.