Our Reality, “But If Not”

By Guest Writer, Sue Tell


Today’s Treasure

Jesus answered, "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him."

John 9:3


“Don’t just pray about what seems logical and possible.

Pray hard about the impossible -- God will show you that NOTHING

nothing, nothing, nothing is impossible with Him.

Ever. Period. End of Story.

Ann Voskamp

Yes, I'm praying, God, please restore Bill's vision. (Bill, my husband, is not blind, but his Naion has left him with blind spots and partial vision in both eyes.) I'm human and this is my human prayer. In the Gospels, there are three different accounts of Jesus healing blind men, of fully restoring their sight. In Matthew 20, Luke 18, and Mark 10 is the narrative of Bartemaeus, a blind beggar. Each of the three accounts provides a few unique details, but the end result was the same. When Bartemaeus heard Jesus was near, He called out to him, “Have mercy on me, be kind, meet my need.” Jesus stopped; He heard Bartemaeus' cry; He asked, what do you want Me to do for you? Not only did Jesus stop, hear, and ask, He also granted Bartemaeus' request, let me recover my sight. I love Jesus' affirmation; your faith has made you well. 

In Mark 8, there is a story of another blind man. His friends brought him to Jesus. This account records a two-stage healing. At first, this blind man could kind of see, but things were still blurry... men looked like trees. So Jesus laid His hands on him again and his sight is fully restored.

John 9 records a third incident of a blind man being healed. This time Jesus Himself initiates the healing.

In each of these narratives, a blind man's vision is restored. In the first story, the blind man himself reaches out to Jesus; in the second, the blind man's friends bring him to Jesus; and in the third, Jesus Himself initiates.

Bill is reaching out to Jesus and praying his vision will be restored. I am reaching out to Jesus and praying for Bill's vision to be restored. And by faith, we know that Jesus is reaching toward Bill with His perfect will. The account in John 9 gives a more complete story. It's not just about us! It encourages me and leaves me with several questions.

The disciples who are with Jesus make an assumption that the blindness is a result of sin and ask Jesus about it.

Jesus answered, "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him."

John 9:3

Am I willing to go through this hard situation so that the work of God might be displayed in my husband?

The neighbors didn't get it either. It seems like they felt everything needed to be explained on a human level. Am I willing to be okay with things not being able to be explained by the doctors?

The Pharisees were confused. They didn't like the fact that this blind man was healed on the Sabbath. They saw Jesus as human and sinful. It didn't fit their box. Bill's Naion doesn't fit my box either. Am I willing to live with mystery?

The parents of the blind man were more willing to go along with the crowd and their questions rather than identifying with Jesus and the miraculous. How often might I play the people pleaser role rather than risk being identified with God?

The testimony of the once-blind man:

"One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see." 

(John 9:25)

He said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him. 

(John 9:38)

Am I willing to live with Bill's Naion if it will shine the spotlight on Jesus Who is indeed the light of the world?

In each of these three narratives, the sight of the blind is restored highlighting Jesus' ability. I believe Jesus is able to also restore Bill's sight, to erase his blind spots. But the question is not about Jesus' ability, rather, am I willing to live in the context of the bigger story? I will keep praying that Bill's vision will be fully restored. And I will continue to trust that in this reality, that God is at work and something bigger and more important is happening.

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

II Corinthians 12:9, 10


Father, many friends and I are praying BIG prayers. We’re asking You for the impossible. Father, give us the faith to keep trusting You for big things. And give us the faith that if Your wisdom falls in the ‘but if not’ category, we’d have the faith and experience the grace to trust that as well. Amen


Copyright, February 2019, Sue Tell, Echoes of Grace

Sue Tell and her husband Bill have been married for almost 46 years and have served on the staff of The Navigators for 46 years as well. Although their official roles have changed over the years, the campus ministry has always been a part. Sue writes a weekly faith-based blog, Echoes of Grace, that you can find at suetell.com. She also enjoys facilitating Sabbath-Living retreats to help women grow in their friendship with God. Bill and Sue have two married sons, five grands, and her favorite walking buddy, a Golden Retriever named Lexie.

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