Books That Bridge

By Guest Writer, Sue Tell


Today’s Treasure

But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will hope in him.

Lamentations 3:21-24


I grew up in New Jersey, a 45-minute drive from New York City via the George Washington Bridge, a two-story engineering marvel across the Hudson River. Did I tell you that my Grandpa was the chief electrician for the project? And my Uncle John was the general electrical foreman when the lower level was added in the 1960s. 

As a child, we needed this bridge to visit my great grandparents and at Christmas to visit Santa Claus in Macy's on 5th Avenue. (I still remember how Mom dressed us for that yearly trek.)

The George Washington Bridge was the key to these visits.  Likewise, “Often a book is the key, the needed bridge to visiting with God.”

It was a Thursday on a chilly spring day. I was at one of my favorite spots to meet with God. It offered a quiet corner, a comfy sofa, and the fireplace for extra warmth; and I was surrounded by my coffee, my journal, my Bible, and a book by a favorite author, Brennan Manning.

I sipped my coffee and turned to the bookmark in the Manning book. Brennan's writing was the bridge that transported me into the presence of God. Brennan often starts his chapters with a Scripture before the first paragraph. And that morning there it was in flashing neon lights, Song of Solomon 7:10.

I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me.

Those ten words were my bridge that morning

I did two things: 

I recorded them in my journal, that place where I write really important stuff to continue to pray over. Then I turned to Romans 8 remembering the rhetorical question: 

If God is for us, who can be against us?

Romans 8:31

I could have packed up and headed home right then, but I didn't. I continued reading through the richness of Romans 8. It was good! Unlike some, my devotional life usually does not travel down the path of reading through one book of the Bible at a time. Instead, I ask “where is it that God wants to grab my attention today?” That day God used the book by Brennan Manning as a bridge to speak the truths in Song of Solomon and Romans into my heart. 

Sometimes when my devotional time feels dry, a book bridges me to God's word. Sometimes it is my leather journal that provides the bridge to Scriptures I have written there; these Scriptures God knows I need to trust. Recorded in ink in this well-worn volume are many Scriptures, like Song of Solomon 7:10 that speak of God's love. There are pages that record God's purpose for my life. On another page, I've written the verses that tell me truth when I tend to trip over lies that are often too close to the surface of my memory. I review those verses and my prayer often is something like this, what would it look like to trust this truth today? My leather journal is inviting me into God’s presence. 

What are the books, the quotes, the hymns that offer you a bridge to God's word?


Father, I believe You want to meet with me even more than I want to meet with You. Thank You. Sometimes, I don’t know how to start the conversation. Thank You for those saints who have put words in books to lead me. Thank You for hymns that speak Your truth. Thank You for how You are continually reminding me of Scriptures that are transforming me. Father, as I look to You today for Your leading, I’m excited about hearing from You. I want to be in tune with You. My hope rests in You.  Amen

Copyright, February 2019, Sue Tell, Echoes of Grace

Sue Tell and her husband Bill have been married for almost 46 years and have served on the staff of The Navigators for 46 years as well. Although their official roles have changed over the years, the campus ministry has always been a part. Sue writes a weekly faith-based blog, Echoes of Grace, that you can find at She also enjoys facilitating Sabbath-Living retreats to help women grow in their friendship with God. Bill and Sue have two married sons, five grands, and her favorite walking buddy, a Golden Retriever named Lexie.

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