Should I Leave My Boyfriend?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hello Sir. I have a few questions I want to ask. I'm a born-again woman and staying with a boyfriend who is a Muslim. we've been together for 5+ years now. we are not married and have a son together. he doesn't believe Jesus died for us. he doesn't no matter how hard I try to explain. I depend on him financially. How can I know that God wants me to leave this relationship? how can I know His(God) is okay with me dating him since I'm not working yet?"

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Is There a Secret Sin?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "I have a close family member who believes that there is such a thing as a “secret sin” and that it’s between him and God with regard to this sin. I told him that when you’re truly in Christ Jesus there are no secret sins and that if any sin is got a stronghold on your life it needs openly confessed and accounted for by someone who can walk with you into restoration. Am I judgemental? Thank you"

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How Do I Minister To a Friend Who Has Lost a Loved One?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "A close family friend who is a pastor recently died suddenly and tragically and they have asked for privacy during their time of grieving. I have been pretty close to the family over the years so I am wondering if their request for privacy pertains to me. Should I go to their house? Call them? I am at a loss as I want to be there for them during this time but I also want to respect their privacy.”

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Are Christians Supposed To Be Happy All The Time?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "What does "who for the joy set before him endured the cross mean from Hebrews 12?" I have heard Christians use this and other verses about joy to say we need to be happy all the time. But that is just not what I feel. It makes me not want to go to church when the theme always seems to be "be happy" even when life sucks.”

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Call No Man Father?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hey brother, Lord's commandment says we call no man "Father" (ie. in the spiritual sense - Mat. 23:9) as opposed to Paul's words to the Corinthians (I Cor. 4:15) wherein he seems to assert himself as their "father" (in the spiritual sense.) How to view this supposed contradiction? Thank You for your ministry"

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The Sea Will Be No More?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Revelation 21:1 speaks about a new heaven and a new earth, and the sea was no more. This has always puzzled me. I keep in mind Noah and the flood. And in Romans 8:22 where the earth groans from sin. The thought came to me as to why the 'sea will be no more.' Is it because the ocean is a reminder of man's sin and the penalty of the flood? My question is more of 'Biblical curiosity.' I do not fear the future for I know my Redeemer and He lives in me and I am SEALED, praise God. Thank you for your ministry, and keep on keeping on, God bless. Howard”

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Welcome To The MARKINC Family!

In this episode, Dr. Betters welcomes Danielle Cantler. Danielle is stepping into the role of Executive Director at MARKINC Ministries and is the one who answers many of your comments. She personally submits your questions to Dr. Betters to be answered, so you can trust that your questions will be answered! Danielle is looking forward to connecting with all of you and welcoming you to the MARKINC Family.

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