Does Baptism Wash Away Our Sins Response

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Dr. Betters, I don't totally disagree with your answer to “Does Baptism wash away our sins?” but what about passages like Acts 2: 38. As well as others. or the Ethiopian eunuch who was baptized on the road by Stephen. I'm confused because it clearly says that they must be baptized. Thank you"

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The Rich Man And Jesus

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "We are taught a faith based theology where we are ensured eternal life if we trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Yet we read in Matthew 19 about a rich man who approached Jesus with a question-‘what must I do to receive salvation?’ Jesus mentions all of the commandments which the rich man claims to have followed but then asks “what am I lacking”? Jesus then advised him to sell all of his belongings and give the money to the poor. Why did Jesus not simply say to trust in Him as his savior?"

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Praying For My Son To Visit Me In A Dream

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Linda Asks, “I have been listening to you now since my son passed away 11/12/2018, It's been so hard and I am sorry to hear about your son as well, I have a question. I have been praying for my son to visit me in a dream but nothing ever happens. All I want is for my son to tell me he is Okay, does this mean he is not with the Lord? He loved the Lord, but he struggled in his relationship with God because of drug addiction over a very long period of time. Then he ended up on medications. I ended up struggling myself because I felt as if I did not have a life because of his life I will never be able to tell him to forgive me for how I treated him, I treated him bad at times, I have asked God to forgive me I know I was wrong, it hurts so bad at times I am in tears now just writing this. Please advise on what the Bible says about this”

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I Keep Injuring Myself, Is This A Message From God?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “In recent years, I've suffered numerous serious injuries. I wonder if ther’re truly are accidents or if such events are from God--trying to teach me something--or attacks from Satan. Does everything that happens to us have a spiritual cause or a lesson attached? Every time I resolve to restart an exercise plan to strengthen my body and get healthy, I have an injury that sidelines me for a while, sometimes several months. I feel like David says at times, abandoned, even temporarily, by God.”

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