Posts in Grief
Is It Okay To Eat Tobacco?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Rob asks "Hello Dr betters. I love watching your videos... All the questions and answers are just awesome. Here is my question, I'm 25 and I have feared God since I was a child living with my parents. One thing is I was so much addicted to tobacco and now I take only one brand of tobacco. Is it okay to eat tobacco for good? Or is it still bad in the sight of God to eat tobacco and fear God?"

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Praying For My Son To Visit Me In A Dream

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Linda Asks, “I have been listening to you now since my son passed away 11/12/2018, It's been so hard and I am sorry to hear about your son as well, I have a question. I have been praying for my son to visit me in a dream but nothing ever happens. All I want is for my son to tell me he is Okay, does this mean he is not with the Lord? He loved the Lord, but he struggled in his relationship with God because of drug addiction over a very long period of time. Then he ended up on medications. I ended up struggling myself because I felt as if I did not have a life because of his life I will never be able to tell him to forgive me for how I treated him, I treated him bad at times, I have asked God to forgive me I know I was wrong, it hurts so bad at times I am in tears now just writing this. Please advise on what the Bible says about this”

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Do You Stay In Your Body When You Die?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “Hello Dr. Betters, I am an avid fan of your videos and it had uplifted me from grieving from my dad’s passing. My question is that when you die, do you stay in your body until Jesus comes back or if you are saved are you going to heaven then? I asked this because I am confused about the sequence of the revelation and the rapture. It is said in the scriptures that we are all going to be the judge when Jesus will reign the earth. If that so our loved ones who are saved have not been in heaven yet, if that so, where will their soul be. Will the dead that is saved also wait for Jesus second coming? And what is happening right now that it means we are already in the tribulations and rapture had already happened? Sorry for all the questions but I hope I will find answers soon. God bless and keep safe.”

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Will Angels Escort Us To Heaven? (Response)

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Diane asks "What about the parable in Luke 16:22 in which JESUS SAYS IN HIS OWN WORDS, "So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom." Don't you think that if Jesus himself alone were carrying the beggar to Abraham's Bosom, he would have said so in the parable? If Jesus says something in a parable, is it no less a true indication of what happens at death? I agree that angels accompany Jesus when a believer dies and is taken to Heaven, and I think that it is believable that angels may be carrying believers at Jesus' instruction. I can't visualize what the believer's soul might look like at death, but it must be tangible enough to be carried by angels.""

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Why Do Some Get To See Jesus Before They Die?

In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "Why would our 'spirit's' need to go to heaven first, only to be somehow reunited at some future point at the resurrection? And why would God allow some believers the comfort of some final vision of say, Jesus - just before they die, or some sign they are going to heaven, and yet others see/experience nothing?"

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