"Drawing The Line In My Marriage"

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "I'm standing here in my kitchen, listening to Dr. Betters, baking my son's 17th birthday cake. I'm reaching out in desperation, as the woman reaches for Jesus' hem. We've been to 11 counselors, pastoral and professional over the last 14 years. I know I am a sinner at heart, but I am seeking healing for my marriage, still. I've lived under emotional/verbal abuse for 26 years. I've tried to separate 3 times. My husband is a professing believer and, since middle school, has opened the door of technology and apps to our son (34 hours on Tik Tok over the last 10 days recently on just 1 app). What is a Christian wife to do when my husband devalues, minimizes, and outright blocks my attempts and wishes with boundaries when it comes to social media, music, and video games? I know the arm of the Lord is not short and is mighty in battle, but where is my line of obedience to God over man? How do I protect my son in this last year? Thank you for your time."