“My Son Wants My Inheritance”

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Sandy asks "I am a widow of 9 years my son has never helped me in any way shape or form but yet he wants everything when I pass away he is upset with me because I'm not left him nothing I cannot depend on him I left it to my granddaughters is that wrong? He will find anything he can to throw up in my face. My associate pastor from a long time Church has helped me every month since my husband has died sometimes he doesn't have it sometimes I just barely get by most of the time I'm a $100 short every month of paying my bills but my son will not help in any way.. am I so wrong for feeling the way I do I should help the gentleman or associate pastor in any way I can is how I feel but I don't really care whether I help my son he's he's not there and I can't depend on him."