When Things Go Wrong How Can I Respond with Righteous Anger Instead of Sinful Anger?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "I am struggling with anger and I just don’t know what to do. I used to be happy but now even the small things that go wrong set me off. I have been a believer since I was a kid and I know that anger is a sin issue in my heart but I don’t know how to deal with it. I have been reading my bible and in Matthew 5:22 it says “everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment” and this scares me. When things go wrong how can I respond with righteous anger instead of sinful anger?"

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My Husband Is More Concerned with Being a Good Son Than a Good Husband. What Do I Do?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "My husband and I have only been married for 6 months. In order to save money to buy a house of our own we decided to live with his parents for a while. It seemed like a good idea in the beginning but now it is causing a lot of tension. I feel like my husband cares more about being a good son to his mom then a good wife to me. His mother tells me all the time that she hopes we never move out and that it would kill her for her son to leave. I feel like I am stuck, what should I do?"

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