Tiny Team – Mighty God!
Over the past few weeks the blog posts have focused on giving you a behind the scenes glimpse of how MARKINC Ministries functions. With that information in hand, I’ve asked you to prayerfully consider helping us reach a $10,000 Matching Gift goal. Last week I promised to update you on our progress, saying that maybe God would move people to give in such a way that we surpass our goal.
How can we say thanks to our Mighty God for doing just that? He moved people to give above and beyond the $10,000! How does your response encourage our tiny team?
Last week Melissa Weisenfels, Executive Director, and Kasie Lamme, Director of Operations, presented the Anchored Hope Counseling Center Project Brief to Chuck and me. It is extensive and exciting and a little scary all at the same time. We always have to ask “how much” and this was no different. But one way the Lord moved us forward in pursuing our dream of a counseling center was the way many of you responded to give toward this Matching Gift. We have never had such a response to a summer campaign. Along with the gifts coming in each day, encouragement notes like this one remind us that the Lord knows what we need:
This morning was the first time hearing In His Grip, needless to say it made an instant impact on me. My spirit was immediately lifted as I listened to the broadcast on WRJZ , Joy 62- Knoxville, TN. Being in the drive thru at McDonald's, I couldn't get my food fast enough so I could pull into a parking spot and write information about the ministry. Hearing the message blessed me and I can't wait to share it with others! Giving a monthly contribution, I think, is an excellent opportunity to further the work being done by the ministry! "In His Grip" radio broadcast is spreading the Word and Works of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and God our heavenly Father in truth! God bless and keep you...Shalom
The In His Grip broadcast on Joy 62 in Knoxville, Tennessee, is fruit of our relationship with 740 AM WVCH in Pennsylvania. We pay for air time to be on WVCH and we are on WRJZ Joy in Knoxville gratis because of our relationship to WVCH. We regularly recognize that we are a bread and fishes ministry and touching lives through In His Grip in Tennessee is evidence of that multiplication of investments.
And then there’s this –
The Psalm 62 study on Daily Treasure is exactly what I need right now. My earth is shifting beneath my feet and these devotionals are helping me walk a steady path. Thank you.
One of the last ways missionaries know that God is calling them is through the financial support of their work. Chuck often says the financial support is the easiest part for God because He owns it all! For many years I worried about the financial side of MARKINC. More than once, we almost shut down the ministry because the money was running out. Sometimes I was ready to close MARKINC down because I was so stressed by the need to raise funds and I hated asking for money. Chuck constantly reminded me that if God is in this, He will provide the funding. And if He has accomplished His purposes for MARKINC, then we will be content with the last chapter. He encouraged me to experience the freedom of knowing the finances are God’s responsibility. And more than once, God moved His people to step up and help us see another day of offering help and hope to hurting people.
All along God knew that one day we would be sitting at a table with Melissa and Kasie reviewing Anchored Hope Counseling Center Project Brief with confidence that if the Lord is in it, He will nudge people to support it. There is such freedom in trusting Him with the details.
The Anchored Hope Counseling Center is just one piece of our vision, but it is a big one. Please pray with us that the Lord will continue to direct our steps, and if this is not part of His plan for MARKINC, that He will close the doors.
Thank you for responding to His nudge. Raising funds is never easy, but when we trust the Lord to meet our needs it’s an exciting place to be!
Treasured by Him,
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