Hurting People Need Hope, Not an Invoice
From left to right: Caitlin Jane (recording artist), Melissa Weisenfels (MARKINC Executive Director), Marie Monville (wife of Amish schoolhouse shooter)
May 18 finally arrived, and busy bees buzzed from task to task, readying the building for our Beauty from Brokenness MARKINC Ministries Spring Benefit. A crowd gathered to hear the inspiring message of Marie Monville and the beautiful music of Caitlin Jane. Following the program, guests enjoyed meeting Marie and Caitlin while gobbling up lots of delicious desserts. This entire night was free because though we hoped to raise funds, the core purpose of the night was to showcase the incredible redeeming love of Jesus. We reached that goal!
At one point, Chuck told the crowd, “We don’t want this night to be about money. It’s about the power of the Gospel.”
However, a lot rides on the outcome of this night, because it is our major fund raising event.
Our dreams for 2018-2019 are big, so our financial goals were big as well. Experience has taught us that we make our plans, but one key way the Lord confirms that we are on the right pathway is by moving people to own the vision and help underwrite it financially. 99% of our resources are free, but let’s face it; someone must pay to produce them.
On our recent live call in show on WVCH, Chuck said, “Hurting people need hope, not an invoice.” In just a few words, he described the hearts of our team for offering the help and hope of Jesus to hurting people. Yet, what we are doing costs money. We make every penny scream for relief! Only 10% of every dollar goes to overhead (typically 20% goes to overhead for non profit organizations). Because our budget is tiny, we beat every bush looking for inexpensive ways to produce and promote the resources so that they get into the hands of those who need them most. One of our dedicated volunteers, Bill Hughes, does the tedious job of tracking stats wherever he can find them. We were startled but also delighted to learn through his work that thousands of people are listening or viewing the Help and Hope resources. In fact, based on current stats, we expect to reach almost 200,000 people in 2018. Are you as shocked as I am by this number? That is a 500% increase over 2017! When I consider that each number represents a unique person, and each person has a family and friends who might be touched by the help and hope of our resources I realize that 200,000 is just the beginning of an ever widening circle of eternal impact – that is humbling and mind boggling.
This means about 200,000 individuals will view Ask Dr. Betters videos, listen to the Help and Hope audio library resources and listen to In His Grip messages on our website as well as read Daily Treasure, our free online devotional. These numbers do not include radio listeners. Think of it! God is growing sweet eternal fruit through the work of MARKINC.
In addition to continuing our current work, in 2018-2019 we hope to start producing Help and Hope resources for people who are deaf or hard of hearing ($30,000 to get started on numerous resources this year). We also want to start the process of opening a counseling center ($50,000 needed for this year). A third project is an audio devotional by Chuck (costs TBD) and creating an audio format for our books. In light of these dreams, our financial stretch goal for the Spring Event was $150,000, which will help us continue our current work and start to work on these new projects.
I am delighted to announce that God moved people to give about $130,000 toward the goal of $150,000! This is remarkable and our team is already moving ahead with new projects. Has MARKINC encouraged you in your own life pathway? Do you believe what we are doing is credible and helpful and an investment in eternity? If so, would you prayerfully consider helping us reach that goal of $150,000? No gift is too small. We are asking everyone who has been touched by MARKINC Ministries to help us raise the additional $20,000 so that we can move ahead with confidence that the Lord is directing our steps.
Click here to donate and to learn different ways you can give.
If you missed the Beauty from Brokenness event, you can watch here!
Remember, hurting people need hope, not an invoice. Please help us help others.
Treasured by Him,