Posts tagged 3rd 30
Blessings Through Storms

Sharon Betters interviews GRAMMY winner Laura Story who shares details of how her life took an unexpected turn when her husband, Martin, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The fairytale life she had dreamed of was no longer possible, yet Laura found a "better broken' with Jesus. Laura's story will remind listeners while your situation might never change or get better, with Jesus YOU can. 

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An Unexpected Twist in Life

When Erin Kauffman was 29 years old, the unthinkable happened.—a driver fell asleep at the wheel and at sixty miles per hour slammed head first into Erin’s car. In this conversation, Erin describes the devastation of realizing the bottom half of her body was crushed, the long rehab, and how this accident changed the direction of her life. Though Erin continues to struggle with long term pain and time consuming medical care, she offers hope to anyone in similar circumstances.

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When Your Future Turns Upside Down: A Conversation with Bryan Stoudt

Bryan and his wife say the diagnosis of severe autism for their son Matthew confronted them with the reality that the future they had planned would never come. In this conversation, Bryan touches on how he and his wife went into survival mode, how he initially thought they could “fix” his son, the spiritual struggles they experienced, and the impact their son Matthew had on their other children and their marriage. 

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The Dark Cloud of Depression

Bill Tell experienced severe burnout and depression without warning and he discovered he could not “pull himself up by his own bootstraps”. Depression was like the hand of a giant pushing him deeper and deeper into darkness he could not fight on his own. Bill’s honest account of this lonely and dark time encourages each of us to review the grid through which we live life.

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Depression - Walking Into The Darkness

In this conversation Sue Tell shares about her reaction to her husband Bill’s severe burnout and depression. After over forty years of serving in ministry, Bill suddenly slid into a dark pit of depression. He was incapable of “pulling himself up by his own bootstraps”.  Sue describes how their lives dramatically changed and their struggles brought new depth to their marriage.

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Breast Cancer – My Journey

Lisa Kowal heard the diagnosis of breast cancer and recognized she was about to begin a hard journey into the scary land of Cancer. In this conversation with Sharon Betters, also a breast cancer survivor, Lisa shares her journey in a way that will help equip those coming behind her to face this enemy with strength.

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Cancer & Grief: A Conversation with Elizabeth Groves

Melanoma, the word strikes fear into the hearer, especially when it is a diagnosis for a loved one. Al Groves and his wife, Libbie, heard these words and knew life would never be the same. In this  conversation with Sharon Betters, Libbie shares the journey that her family experienced in the year after her husband Al’s diagnosis of terminal cancer. She offers her family’s story as a means of coming alongside of others who are struggling with cancer, God and grief.

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Bipolar Disorder: One Family's Journey Towards Hope

In this interview, one family describes their battle to find stability when their family life revolves around the insecurity of a wife and mother diagnosed with Bipolar illness. The purpose of these resources is to offer help and hope to those who struggle with “secret” pain, those difficult life crises that are hard to understand or discuss, harder still to experience.

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Hope for the Service Marriage

Corie Weathers shares her own marriage struggles as a the wife of a military chaplain in this conversation. She describes intimate, sacred moments where her understanding of how she realized that when she said goodbye to her husband when he was deployed to Afghanistan, she was actually saying goodbye to life as she knew it. Corie doesn’t leave listeners without hope or a path forward.

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Addiction Destroyed My Life, Prison Led Me to Freedom - A Conversation with Lindsay Clarke

Lindsay’s story includes a painful childhood, drug addiction, and how getting caught while robbing a house landed her in prison. Yet all of these broken places led her to a life of freedom. Lindsay’s story helps listeners to understand that sometimes those most awful hurts are pathways to experiencing the very things for which we desperately long.

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Praying Through the Fog of Suffering: A Conversation with Bob Allums

Pastor Bob Allums, husband and father, learned at thirty-two years of age that he faced the battle of his life against throat and mouth cancer. The possibility that the disease and treatment would destroy his ability to speak, to preach and teach was real. Before the diagnosis, Bob struggled with overwhelming depression, a darkness whose roots he could not identify.

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Addiction that Started at the Age of 12: A Conversation with Doug Clarke

From age 12 to 18, Doug began to experiment with any and all drugs that he could get his hands on. Over the course of the next few years, oxycodone became the dominant Idol that consumed him and eventually transitioned into a full blown heroin addiction. In this far reaching conversation, Doug touches on how parents should respond to the manipulation of the drug addict, why addicts are willing to destroy their lives and loved ones for that fix, and why addicts often go back to drugs after rehab.

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The Gift Of Tim, Parenting Our Adult Son With Down Syndrome

In this free flowing conversation Stephanie Hubach’s joy in parenting son, twenty-five year old Tim, who has Down Syndrome shines through. Steph admits to a chronic grief that can pop up even in the middle of joyful fun with Tim. Steph speaks directly to those parents struggling to see any joy in their own parenting of a child with special needs and encourages them to freely determine the best way for them to function as a family.

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Breaking the Chains of Sexual Abuse

Tom Stewart experienced a decade of sexual abuse throughout his childhood by his Scout leader. His story is not easy to hear, but he pulls back the shades on decades of the cover up of horrific sexual abuse in a highly respected organization: The Boy Scouts of America. Through Tom’s sometimes excruciating words, other victims of abuse will hear a resounding declaration of help and hope, no matter how shattered by the actions of another.

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My Son with Down Syndrome & Brain Injury: Parenting Joseph

For over twenty plus years Sue and her husband have parented three sons, one of whom was born with Down Syndrome and a brain injury. Joseph will never care for himself in any way. He is totally dependent on his parents for his well being.  In this conversation, you will hear the story of a mother who is filled with the hope and leans into her Lord for wisdom and strength.

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The Amish Schoolhouse Shooting – A Light in the Darkness: A Conversation with Marie Monville

On October 2, 2006, Marie Monville’s husband entered an Amish schoolhouse in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and shot ten young girls, killing five of them, before turning the gun on himself. How does a person find hope in such darkness? How does the wife of the man who perpetrated such horror rebuild her life and the lives of her children? How could she ever forgive her husband?

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Sexual Addiction – There is Hope: A Conversation with Jonathan Daugherty

“I sat by myself on my living room couch. Alone. Scared. I tried to piece together what 13 years of sexual addiction had just torn apart. My life was unraveling and I couldn’t harness my out of control behaviors. I remember thinking I might be better off dead than alive,” said Johnathan Daugherty. Listen as Jonathan describes that downward spiral and what turned his heart toward healing and a redeemed marriage.

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Surviving A Tsunami of Grief: A Conversation with Andrea Maher

Her oldest son’s battle with drug addiction ended when drug induced hypothermia took his life. Several years later, her youngest son made a decision that would forever change his life and resulted in imprisonment. How does a mother not just survive but find hope and joy when a tsunami of grief repeatedly slams her deeper into an abyss of sorrow?

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OCD and the Search for Truth

A courageous woman shares her lifelong struggle in the grip of the lies of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Though typically thought of as someone who washes their hands repetitively, some people struggling with OCD have other rituals and some merely struggle secretly in their thoughts. OCD is a debilitating disease that affects millions of Americans and it is believed less than 10% seek treatment. Here is a look at the many different faces of OCD and how Gail’s increasing knowledge of the disorder and her faith have helped her begin to heal.

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