Faith Based Giving

Doug MacGray

As stewards of the resources bestowed upon us by God, we have a responsibility to invest in His kingdom. By aligning our investments with the values and teachings of Scripture, we fulfill our role as faithful stewards. Chuck Betters talks with Doug MacGray, founder of Stonecrop Wealth Management, about the importance of stewarding our resources in a way that helps equip the next generation to walk by faith. Doug answers such questions as: What is faith-based giving? What are the different options for giving to faith-based charitable organizations during our lifetime as well as investing for eternity after our deaths? What do the scriptures say about stewarding our resources well? This informative and important conversation will give listeners a lot to consider regarding their own views on giving and investing.

Doug leads the firm, chairs Stonecrop’s investment committee, and is the primary advisor for scores of clients. Doug’s first taste of financial counseling occurred when practicing law and his primary area of law was estate planning. He often worked side-by-side with clients’ financial advisors in creating plans. His wealth management experience now extends over twenty years with deep expertise in portfolio management for endowments, non-profit institutions, and families.

Prior to founding Stonecrop Wealth Advisors, Doug was a founding owner, Senior Vice President, and Chief Institutional Advisor of Compass Ion Advisors where he worked for over thirteen years. He led his firm’s financial planning services and institutional investment services for over ten years. Before working with Compass Ion Advisors, Doug was the founder and branch manager of Andesa Investment Solutions for six years. Doug formed that entity and created the firm’s investment platform, compliance program, and investment processes. Doug practiced law in the State of Delaware for over ten years where he concentrated his practice on estate planning and business law with a focus on non-profit institutions.

As additional information on investing your income today and for the next generation, Doug has provided this video to help with questions about investing in faith-based organizations, ways to avoid capital gains on your invested dollars, using charitable giving as part of your will, and more: Who Benefits From Your Investing

Doug MacGray is also featured in this Help & Hope podcast: When Your Brother Dies and You're 11 Years Old-your-brother-dies-and-youre-11-years-old

Website link to: Stonecrop Wealth Advisors