
Megan Evans Hill

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Discontent easily arises when our desires aren’t met and our plans don’t come true—but this is a dangerous path that drives us away from God. Megan Hill talks with Sharon Betters about how discontentment can be an insidious, unrecognized poison that robs us of opportunities to experience joy and intimacy with the Lord. Megan explains the meaning of contentment, how we often make discontentment comfortable in our hearts, and how it puts a shadow on everything we do. This conversation took place in the middle of the COVID pandemic, where we all experienced many reasons to be discontent but in this interview, Megan suggests such seasons of uncertainty are opportunities to intentionally draw strength from contentment. Megan offers practical ideas on how to seek contentment in the ordinary and extraordinary seasons of life.

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Biography of Megan Evans Hill

Megan Hill is an editor for The Gospel Coalition and the author of three books: A Place to Belong: Learning to Love the Local Church, Contentment: Seeing God's Goodness, and Praying Together: The Priority and Privilege of Prayer in Our Homes, Communities, and Churches. 

Her writing has also appeared in The Washington Post, Christianity Today, Tabletalk, Focus on the Family, Desiring God, and Reformation 21. A pastor's wife and pastor's daughter, she lives in Massachusetts with her husband and four children.

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