Beyond the Book - Ask the Author

Vaneetha Risner

No matter your season of life, wherever God has placed you is your platform for glorifying Him. But sometimes, it’s really, really hard to see the rutted, muddy pathways of life as an opportunity to reflect Jesus, isn’t it? If you are in such a place, this special edition of the Help & Hope podcast is for you. Over the summer we held Beyond the Book, Ask the Author as a free virtual live event where guests could submit questions to our guest author.  Vaneetha Risner, one of our guest authors, spent an hour with us, answering questions about her book, Walking Through Fire, A Memoir of Loss and Redemption.

I know few people who have suffered as much as Vaneetha has. the loss of her son due to a doctor's error, childhood polio and years of bullying, multiple hospitalizations, her ex-husband's unfaithfulness and an unwanted divorce, losing 4 babies through miscarriage - AND YET - Vaneetha's life and message offers us a purpose and peace, even when all seems lost. Vaneetha is a seasoned life warrior whose heart is to come alongside other weary women who long for hope in the darkest places of life.

You can also listen to the Help & Hope podcasts with Vaneetha:

How Does God Meet Us In Suffering - Vaneetha Risner

Vaneetha Rendall Risner is a writer and speaker passionate about helping others find hope and joy in suffering. She is the author of the books The Scars That Have Shaped Me: How God Meets Us in Suffering and an upcoming memoir, Walking Through Fire: A Memoir of Loss and Redemption. Vaneetha is a regular contributor to Desiring God, and she blogs at