
Steve and Tracy Wallace


The very word conjures up sadness, broken families, humiliation, isolation, secretiveness, despair, hopelessness. Alcoholism touches all walks of life, from the church leader, businessman, family man, mothers, fathers, to teens and college students. Alcoholism leaves a trail of shattered dreams and smashed hearts.

Steve and Tracey Wallace know firsthand the downward spiral of alcoholism. When they married, the future was full of promise. Both were active in their church. Steve was a successful businessman, Tracey a wonderful wife and mother. Slowly alcohol became more important to Steve than anything else, and he lost everything: his family, his business, his friends. Tracey and their boys had to start life on their own, without hope of reconciliation, and helpless to rescue Steve.

In this interview, Dr. Betters and Sharon ask Steve and Tracey hard questions. Steve and Tracy hold back nothing in their answers. They don’t candy coat their painful pathway through alcoholism and back to wholeness. They don’t hold out any false promises. But they do offer hope and help to people who are hopeless and alone.

Following the interview, you’ll hear the testimony Steve gave his church in 2005. You will be blessed by his story of how the Lord worked powerfully in his life.

If you are enslaved by the consequences of alcoholism, listen with an open heart, and know that we are praying that this message will be a channel of God’s compassion.