Sexual Abuse and the Church

with Ellen Dykas

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Did you know that only 12 percent of child sexual abuse is ever reported to the authorities and fewer than 4 in 10 rapes are reported to the police? Additionally, 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18. These numbers include people in our local churches. In this Help and Hope resource, Sharon Betters and Ellen Dykas discuss these horrifying statistics in the context of how the church can help create an environment where abuse victims feel safe and helped. This is not an easy topic to discuss nor is it easy to hear, especially if you are a victim of sexual abuse. But it is imperative that we hear from people like Ellen who are passionate about going into the dark places with the light of Jesus and inviting others to go with her to offer the hope and help only Jesus gives.

About Ellen Dykas


Ellen Dykas, MA, is the Women’s Ministry Coordinator at Harvest USA and oversees the gospel-centered teaching and discipleship of women struggling with relational, sexual, and victimization issues. She is a graduate of Covenant Seminary and has a graduate certificate in Biblical Counseling. In addition, she has over twenty years of experience in teaching and mentoring others through the Bible.

Suggested Resources

Harvest USA

Harvest USA brings the truth and mercy of Jesus Christ by helping individuals and families affected by sexual struggles and by providing resources that address biblical sexuality to individuals and churches. Their purpose is to partner with and equip the Church in bringing the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to transform the lives of those affected by sexual sin

On the Threshold of Hope by Diane Langberg

On the Threshold of Hope offers hope and healing to men and women who have been traumatized by sexual abuse. Dr. Langberg's insights and the quotations from many survivors assure readers that they are not alone and that Christ, the Redeemer, can heal their deep wounds. Through stories, Scripture, questions, and encouragement, Dr. Langberg walks with survivors on the road to healing through Christ's love and power.

Connect with Ellen!