Anxious Teen? You Can Help!

with Jessica Thompson

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According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly 1 in 3 of all adolescents ages 13 to 18 will experience an anxiety disorder. These numbers have been rising steadily; between 2007 and 2012, anxiety disorders in children and teens went up 20%.*

These stats combined with the rate of hospital admissions for suicidal teenagers also doubling over the past decade leaves us with many concerning questions.

In this Help & Hope interview, Jessica Thompson, author of How to Help Your Teens with Anxiety, talks to Sharon Betters about some of the root causes of anxiety and offers practical tips for how parents can get their kids talking about anxiety and how they come alongside of their children during their teen years.

More About Jessica Thompson

Jessica Thompson is the author of several books and is a frequent conference speaker. Her heart is to see women, families, and children freed from the bondage of moralism. She is a contributor at Christ Hold Fast. She is also a part of the podcast Front Porch with the Fitzes

Jess has a Bachelor's Degree in Theology and with her mother, Elyse Fitzpatrick, she co-authored the books Give Them Grace , Answering Your Kids' Toughest Questions, and Mom, Dad… What’s Sex?.
