I had spent a long day teaching about how we have the opportunity to image God as we live out our helper design. By the end of the day I needed someone to help me because I was tired and hungry, which is a bad combination…
Read MoreI was 29 when I arrived at a leadership laboratory, just a seedling. I had been married six years and had a two-year-old and six-month-old. I could stop right there in my story and begin to tell you all…
Read MoreI am still trying to figure out who I am going to be when I grow up. We face grown-up situations but deep down there is a little girl inside us who wonders when she will mature. You will never understand who God is…
Read MoreFor years my husband and I fed Wheaton college students after our worship services. On any given week we had no idea how many students would show up. It could be…
Read MoreI entered the national women’s ministry leadership scene not as a leader but as the pianist. We finished leading the worship, and I found a seat at the back of the auditorium. It was 20 years ago, but I still remember …
Read MoreOver twenty years ago I attended my last conference as a member of the women’s ministry team for our denomination. Sadness filled my heart as I let go of regular contact with the women who helped shepherd me through the first five years after the death of my son, Mark. I struggled to accept the “changing of the guard as a good thing.” The Lord had transformed…
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a television advertisement for men’s wedding tuxedos, and it made such an impression…
Read MoreWe know from Jesus’ later conversation with Peter that He knew how Peter was going to die. “Truly, truly, I say to you, when…
Read MoreMy grandmother sewed my mother’s wedding gown, a labor of love that boggles my mind. Perhaps you have sewed someone’s wedding…
Read MoreToday let’s dig into that sometimes confusing verse, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to…
Read MoreWhat would you think if I told you that submission is a beauty secret? Would you be intrigued? Offended? Puzzled? When I think…
Read MoreAs I write these words, I am in the midst of moving my 87-year-old, widowed mother into an Assisted Living facility because she…
Read MoreHow often do you cringe when you hear the word “submission”? Does it feel like a punishment, or have you discovered “beauty secrets” hidden within…
Read MoreWe had just saddled up the horses for our first trail ride at a horse camping weekend. We were all so excited about the weekend, which was a first…
Read MoreI was watching the trainer working with Apollo and I was intrigued by her consistent words to the horse, “Excuse me Sir, I am over here.” First…
Read MoreI was sitting in the barn listening to the horses quietly munching on their breakfast, watching the rain drowning my pastures, and reading my…
Read MoreI was out in the barn during the massive storms that hit our area. 50-70 mph wind gusts and rain at 2-3 inches an hour, for almost 24 hours…
Read MoreThis past weekend I introduced Apollo to the rest of our herd. We have three horses and one miniature pony. They knew he was…
Read MoreOn New Year's Day this year, my daughter Abby and I went to check out a horse auction with the intention of learning more about how we…
Read MoreAs a preacher’s kid, Heidi has seen and experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly of church life in ways that broke her but ultimately drove her to…
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