Worship - His Throne, My Sanctuary

Pamela Bunn, Guest Writer



You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy;     at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Psalm 16:11

Set on high from eternity past and forever, God Almighty reigns. His is a glorious, everlasting throne, and He is the unending hope of eternal life and source of joy. Draw near! The place where He dwells and rules is the place of our hush, our glad surrender, our praise. (Exodus 15:18)

Throne: chair or seat occupied by a sovereign or other exalted personage on ceremonial occasions; occupant of a throne; sovereign; office or dignity of a sovereign; sovereign power or authority.

Sanctuary: consecrated place; sacred or holy place; place set aside for worship of the deity. Derived from the Latin 'sanctuarium,' a container. A haven, a place of safety.

If a sanctuary is where we bow reverent spirits, lift our eyes, find refuge, peace, rest, and hope, where better than the throne of God? While a sanctuary can be a tangible place, for the child of God, it's more often intangible - a soul place where mind and heart collide in joyous worship of, communion with, and dependence on the one true Sovereign. God's throne is where we behold with raptured breath His beauties and royal splendor. It's where we lay down desperate burdens of sorrow and need, where unmet longings are met with compassion, where pain is covered with heavenly balm, where we find hope that has substance and the confidence to submit because His authority is unshakable, grounded, eternal, and righteous. (Psalm 27:463:2Hebrews 4:16)


What gods have we erected as life-source and guide? Popular expertise, worldly mantras, relaxation practices, fitness regimens? Before what altars are we worshiping? Virtual popularity? Productivity? A collection of degrees, wealth, accolades, or awards? Have we made a sanctuary out of personal 'me' time, comfort and ease, entertainment, or self-care rather than His presence, purity, and power?

In what ways do we separate religious practice from daily routine, sequestering Sunday sanctuary from weekday integration, or morning devotion from daytime habits? Do we pretend we respect and laud God, but stubbornly refuse to surrender to His sway and insist on ruling every aspect of our life? Do we offer the lip service of praise but tear down our colleagues or pepper conversation with crude words? What do we need to adjust, or change altogether, to instead stride reverently, vibrantly in the shadow and splendor of God's throne? (James 3:9-10)

“A little Sanctuary art Thou to me!
O Jesus, best belov’d! I live with Thee;
My heart has found its everlasting home,
Its sure abiding place where’er I roam.

A little Sanctuary art Thou to me!
No fabled shrine, but deep reality!
Thou saidst it should be so when at Thy call
I rose and follow’d gladly, leaving all.

A little Sanctuary art Thou to me!
All joyfully I pitch my tent with Thee;
Or ready still to journey at Thy word—
In Thee I live and move, most blessèd Lord."

Emily Crawford (1902)

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King of kings, please so hallow the sanctuary of my life that I exalt Your dominion and glory in all areas of life, before Your unshakable throne forever. (1 Timothy 6:151 Peter 5:11Revelation 11:15; 19:16)

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Sharon W. Betters is a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, pastor’s wife, and cofounder of MARKINC Ministries, where she is the Director of Resource Development. Sharon is the author of several books, including Treasures of Encouragement, Treasures in Darkness, and co-author with Susan Hunt of Aging with Grace. She is the co-host of the Help & Hope podcast and writes Daily Treasure, an online devotional.


Contact Sharon with comments or questions at dailytreasure@markinc.org.