Where Do I Go from Here? Home

Robin Davenport, Guest Writer


Today’s Treasure

One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple. For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock.

Psalm 27:4-5 ESV


The psalmist had learned where to find shelter, or rather, home. We long for home, especially during troubling times. The soldier longs for home while on the battlefield. The patient in the hospital longs for the comfort of home for recovery.  The psalmist had sought for and found that safe and secure place. Finding refuge in the Lord’s home became his desire.  

What was it about the Lord’s home that lured the psalmist?  He experienced God’s kindness and fellowship. Within the Lord’s home, the psalmist found acceptance, protection, and relationship. In his search, he had found the perfect environment to foster healing. He knew this kind of healing would sustain him through troubling times. 

God’s protection cultivated trust within the psalmist.  He had faith that God would secure him during troubling times. When we see or hear a storm on the horizon, the place we long for is in the security of our home. As a child, I used to look out my bedroom window during a storm and know I was safe, because my daddy was in the house. The psalmist knew he would receive strength and security that would enable him to stand on solid ground through the storms of his life, because his Heavenly Father was in the house. 


The loss of a loved one throws us into a state of emotional turmoil. How do we adjust without that loved one’s presence?  Our family home does not feel the same.  Will it ever feel like home again? How do we get back on a solid foundation?

Our son passed away from a form of young on-set dementia called frontal-temporal degenerative brain disease (FTD). Following his death, I felt a loss for direction. Our son’s illness had extended over a period of several years.  During the last 17 months of his life, I had been his primary caregiver in our home.  I had cared for our adult son just as I had cared for him as a baby.  Only this time, I released him into the eternal hands of our Heavenly Father instead of releasing him into independence through developmental milestones.  

For weeks after his passing, I questioned the Lord asking “Where do I go from here? I need direction!”  His answer was to seek His presence.  He had proven Himself faithful to us as we had walked the FTD journey with our son.  I knew I could trust Him, but I needed to learn how to be still in His presence. He longed to care for me just as we had lovingly cared for our son. I could relate to the desire to care for a child who is completely dependent on you as his parent.  I became that child in dire need of my father’s care.  

The Lord provided me with a pleasant atmosphere filled with kindness and relationship.  He revealed His beauty in creation as I developed a new appreciation for nature.  He sat with me on my front porch every morning as we shared breakfast together in His word.  He provided me with physical rest, healthy foods, and the opportunity to walk each day. He lifted me above my grief and sat me on a solid rock. 

Where are you today?  Are you searching for the comfort and security of the Lord’s home?  He is there waiting to shelter you, show you His beauty, and set you on solid ground. 



Lord, You are our loving Father who has prepared a permanent loving home for us.  It is Your presence that we long for.  It is in Your presence that we find healing. Thank You for the invitation to come and just sit a while.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Sharon W. Betters is author of Treasures of Encouragement, Treasures in Darkness and co-author of Treasures of Faith. She is Director of Resource Development and co-founder of MARKINC.org, a non profit organization that offers help and hope to hurting people. Sharon enjoys quality time with her husband, children, fourteen grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.

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