Prayer Power
Sherry Bitler, Guest Writer
Today’s Treasure
Recently at a concert with our son, lyrics appeared on a big screen in the front of the auditorium. These words grabbed my attention:
Somebody went to the throne of Heaven
Somebody lifted my name
Bringing me into His Holy Presence
Saying what needed to be said
A word picture captured my imagination. My name – His throne!! What an incredible gift, the gift of prayer! And it is a gift we can receive and a gift we also give.
Praying for others and having others pray for us is vital, yet a common element of our lives. Each time we pray for someone we are giving them a gift and we are receiving a gift as we talk with our Precious Heavenly Father. I want to marvel at God’s design – giving and receiving at the same time.
Perhaps someone lifts my name every day…someone gives me this gift every day! I know that my parents lifted my name asking the Lord to make me His child. As a young mom, it is important to know that others are praying for you. On days when all around you isn’t going well, the children are fussy, the weather is gloomy, the people at work are disagreeable, you are making mistakes, you don’t feel well, you are in pain, or you just feel overwhelmed with activity – ask the Lord to help you remember people are lifting your name, taking you into His Holy presence – and return the gift by praying for someone He brings to mind. I pray for each of our children and grandchildren every day as well as my husband and extended family members.
We can help young children understand prayer using their fingers.
Thumb-pray for family and friends
Pointer Finger-pray for those who teach me about Christ, pastor, kids church leaders
Middle Finger-pray for those in authority, teachers, police
Ring Finger-pray for those who are sick or don’t know Jesus
Pinkie Finger-pray for themselves
(Source: Thomas Nelson Children’s Ministry Resource Bible).
I am pretty good at thanking people when they give me a gift. How often, though, do I remember to thank those that give me the gift of prayer, of lifting my name to the Lord?
In a woman’s Bible Study years ago, we were given the assignment to pick a woman partner and pray together on the phone each morning or evening for a week. Just a quick 3-5 minute conversation was recommended. I completed the assignment. My partner and I enjoyed it so much we continued for 9 years until her children had all finished school. I shared this story in a women’s class I taught recently. One of the women called a friend and started a prayer partner relationship. As she was sharing this with her home group (from church) one of the little girls asked if she could have a prayer partner. Touched by the request, she made little prayer notebooks and encouraged her to find a friend and they could write their prayers for each other during the week and exchange notebooks on Sundays. She did and they continue to pray together regularly.
I want to always be in awe that prayer is a gift through Jesus Christ and my salvation is a gift through the Cross, bringing our hearts in line with His heart.
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Lord, please help me to value prayer using Your example. Help me to be faithful to come to You and share my heart. Please help me to stop and pray at the moment a friend has a need. Please help me to stop and pray when I am struggling to understand my circumstances or solve an issue. Please help me to be grateful that You are always listening.
Sharon W. Betters is a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, pastor’s wife, and cofounder of MARKINC Ministries, where she is the Director of Resource Development. Sharon is the author of several books, including Treasures of Encouragement, Treasures in Darkness, and co-author with Susan Hunt of Aging with Grace. She is the co-host of the Help & Hope podcast and writes Daily Treasure, an online devotional.
Contact Sharon with comments or questions at
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