A Broken Hallelujah
Elizabeth Eno, Guest Writer
Today’s Treasure
For all the promises of God find their Yes in Him. That is why it is through Him that we utter our Amen to God for His glory.
2 Corinthians 1:20
My mom arrived just a few moments after the intense labor and miscarriage of our daughter. She had been on the phone with my husband Jason for the past hour or so, trying to help him know how to help me, as she made her way to the hospital.
She put her hand on my head, and let her own tears fall as she looked at our little girl in my arms. After a few moments, she said, “Do you have a name?”
I looked up at Jason who was on the other side of the hospital bed with his hand on my arm. We had been talking about names earlier in the day and had come up with a possibility.
Jason said, “Promise.”
I smiled. Yes.
We explained that her name was taken from the scripture about all of God’s promises being Yes and Amen:
For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.
2 Corinthians 1:20
My mom said, “That is beautiful…”
In the midst of the tears and the pain, we had a good day with little Promise. We took turns holding her. The Lord did an amazing thing in allowing us to have time with her. What a gift that many do not get to have.
In the afternoon, the nurse took Promise and washed her and ‘dressed’ her for us. I picked her up from the baby bassinet to hold her one last time.
Although she had died maybe a week or more before birth, she had been warm when she first came into the world, and she had the appearance of a sleeping baby. But now she was changing. Death was very present.
We took some more pictures and I read her some letters that I had written to her while I was pregnant, and we kissed her goodbye.
After we left the hospital, Jason and I drove to a funeral home and to two cemeteries to see where Promise could be buried. As I looked up the addresses, silent tears welled up inside me and I said to Jason, “We should be leaving the hospital with our baby…and I should not be looking up directions to a cemetery.”
Yet, God was with us, through a path that He had designed for us. That day and the days that followed were hard, but we felt so cared for by our friends and family, and ultimately by our Savior who died to bring eternal life to those who believe in Him.
We have full confidence knowing God has always been faithful, and He will continue to be. His glory will be made known through this, and it will ultimately be for our good in some mysterious way.
We trust Him, and we are held by Him, just like Promise is being held by Him, at this very moment. What a glorious thought.
Write down three areas or ways that God has been faithful to you in the past. Write a 1-2 sentence prayer of thanks to Him. Next, write down one area that you are wrestling to trust Him with - it could be related to work, life at home, or a relationship you are in. Most likely it is something that occupies your thoughts and causes you concern or worry or even fear at times. Now, write down a 1-2 sentence prayer asking the Lord to remind you of His promises, especially the ones that tell us He is in control, and we can trust Him. Conclude by saying “Amen,” knowing that whatever comes is for your good, and His glory.
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Sharon W. Betters is author of Treasures of Encouragement, Treasures in Darkness, co-author of Treasures of Faith. and co-author with Susan Hunt of Aging with Grace, Flourishing in an Anti-Aging Culture. She is Director of Resource Development and co-founder of, a non-profit organization that offers help and hope to hurting people. Sharon enjoys quality time with her husband, children, fourteen grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Contact Sharon with comments or questions at