The Treasure of Relationships

by Jan Dravecky, Guest Writer



Then the Lord God said,
“It is not good for the man to be alone.”
Genesis 2:18 (NLT)


It is not good for anyone to do life alone, but there was a time in my life when I thought I didn’t really need relationships. Sure I appreciated my family and friends but I had no idea that having healthy relationships was absolutely essential to a healthy life. I didn’t realize God had created us in such a way that we simply cannot live without relationships.  My need for a close healthy relationship would be enlightened when Dave and I entered our valley of suffering.

I discovered that when we go through times of adversity or suffering our need for others intensifies – and that can be a problem. Why? Because any kind of pain, adversity or suffering will test our relationships.

We aren’t at our best when we hurt. Our weaknesses, flaws and ugliness will rise to the surface and the result isn’t pretty. We offend others more easily and we are more easily offended. Under that pressure, relationships can crumble. At the very time we need good relationships the most, those relationships often become more difficult.

The good news is that it is possible to honestly and lovingly work through the relational difficulties that suffering exposes. Relationships can grow and mature to become true treasures under the pressure of suffering. We can emerge from the darkness of suffering with healthier, stronger relationships – I know that from my own personal experience.

My prayer is that the next few devotionals will encourage you to work hard for healthy relationships especially when life falls apart. I know personally the refining process may be difficult and painful but I also know the rewards of stronger and healthier relationships are absolutely unbelievable and priceless!

Friends love through all kinds of weather,
and families stick together in all kinds of trouble.
Proverbs 17:17 (The Message)

Praying for all who are seeking the treasure, 
Jan Dravecky

For more inspiration from Jan Dravecky visit her blog at or listen to Blow Away the Dark Clouds, a conversation with Jan.

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Jan Dravecky is the wife of former San Francisco Giants baseball pitcher, Dave Dravecky. Together, Jan and Dave founded the Endurance ministry (, created specifically to encourage those who are facing serious illness, loss or depression.

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