You Will Not Abandon My Soul

by Sharon Betters



Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption. 

Psalm 16:9, 10


Dear Friends,

“Mike has been diagnosed with deadly melanoma. He has been given 6 – 12 months to live.” My friendship with Sherry Kendrick began over twenty years ago when Mike was a church planter and Sherry asked me to speak at a women’s event. We connected on a more personal level when Chuck and I attended Naples Covenant Church where Sherry served as Director of Children’s Ministry and Mike was on staff as an Associate Pastor. The news about Mike’s health rocked us. Though relieved when they told us about a treatment that might give Mike more time, we knew his battle against this cancer would be fierce. You can learn more about their journey in this conversation with them: Living With Hope and Terminal Illness. Mike and Sherry share how their journey encouraged them to enjoy each day, knowing that life is fleeting. They also share practical suggestions for those just starting a similar cancer journey. 

In this week’s devotional, Sherry takes us deeper into her own journey after the death of her beloved Mike. Her perspective is unique because she is only one year into her grief. Though covered in tears, Sherry’s story offers hope to broken people, no matter their loss.

Sherry not only offers hope through her writing, but also in “Intentional Grieving”, a second Help & Hope interview Sherry and I had about a year after Mike’s death.

After the death of our son, Mark, I wanted to talk to someone ahead of me in the grief journey, but I especially wanted to talk to someone who remembered the first years of grief. In this series and my conversation with her, Sherry pours herself out like a drink offering for the purpose of coming alongside those who are fresh in their grief. She gives us a roadmap through the foreign land of grief, encouraging fellow strugglers to experience the same confidence David describes in Psalm 16: The Lord will not abandon my soul.

Treasured by Him,





In preparation for this week’s devotionals, take some time today to soak in Psalm 16.


Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge.

I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord;
    I have no good apart from you.”

As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones,
    in whom is all my delight.

The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply;
    their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out
    or take their names on my lips.

The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
    you hold my lot.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
    indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

I bless the Lord who gives me counsel;
    in the night also my heart instructs me.
I have set the Lord always before me;
    because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices;
    my flesh also dwells secure.
For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol,
    or let your holy one see corruption.

You make known to me the path of life;
    in your presence there is fullness of joy;
    at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Listen to these Interviews with Sherry!

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