Relationships: Worth the Trouble?
by Sharon Betters
Today’s Treasure
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
Dear Friends,
Ellen Dykas joins us this week as guest writer for our special series, "What She Said!" No doubt many of you are familiar with Ellen but for those who aren’t, you are in for a real treat!
I am drawn to Ellen for many reasons, but at the top of my list is that she shares powerful truths sheathed in kindness and love. Her writing is conversational. She pulls in the reader so that you feel as though you’re sharing a cup of iced tea on a back porch while contemplating deep spiritual challenges and questions.
This week Ellen calls attention to Relationships and Desires: A Gift and a Trial. She challenges readers with questions:
What leads to disappointments in our relationships?
Are your desires and expectations off track from the Gospel?
Is it possible that this person is oblivious or unable to love you as you desire?
Is God stepping in-between you and this person?
Every one of us struggles with relationships. Ellen helps us understand why the struggle is so hard and why it’s important to pursue God’s view of community.
Ellen has served as Women’s Ministry Coordinator at HarvestUSA. Before that she served as a missionary and member of the missions’ staff at her church in St. Louis. Ellen’s love for God’s Word and coming alongside women in their spiritual journey shines in her speaking and writing ministry.
You’re going to love Ellen’s writing! I guarantee it!
Treasured by Him,
Life-Giving Encouragement
Next week we start a new series: "A Steadfast Woman in a Shifting World." We’ll camp out in Psalm 62, a favorite Psalm the Lord used to help me walk a steady path during a hot, hazy summer filled with pothole after pothole and crises almost too many to remember. You may not need this message now, but I hope that when you do, the words, “You are MY Rock, Rest, Rescue and Refuge” will come rushing back and help you walk a steady path when you can’t see where to put your next step.
I hope you have enjoyed the series, "What She Said! "I have! Many thanks to Sarah Ivill, Christina Fox, Sue Tell, Lisa McHeard, Sherry Bitler and Ellen Dykas for freely giving of their time and writing skills to offer life-giving encouragement to us. If you missed any of their inspiring and often convicting words, you can find the entire series here. I’m hoping to see more guest writers contribute to the "What She Said!" Series in the future. Invite friends to join the Daily Treasure Online family! We’re excited by how the Lord continues to create an ever widening circle of subscribers, finding life-giving encouragement through each devotional.
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Sharon W. Betters is author of Treasures of Encouragement, Treasures in Darkness and co-author of Treasures of Faith. She is Director of Resource Development and co-founder of, a non profit organization that offers help and hope to hurting people. Sharon enjoys quality time with her husband, children and fourteen grandchildren.
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