Chosen by Grace
by Sharon Betters
Today’s Treasure
When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.
Romans 5:6 NLT
Dear Friends,
Theology matters and over the next two weeks, Lisa McHeard shows us why it’s important to not shy away from digging deeper into topics we might find difficult to understand.
Many years ago, I reacted with strong angry emotions to how Chuck described God’s sovereignty over every detail of my life, including my salvation. He gently and kindly responded with these words: “You have to decide if you are going to define God through your own emotions or embrace the way the Scriptures define Him.” His challenge haunted me and I knew the Lord wanted me to dig deeper with a heart ready to receive the truth of His Word, no matter how difficult. Little did I know how important my understanding of God's sovereignty would be my greatest comfort in the years after the fatal car accident of our son Mark and his friend Kelly.
That’s one reason I appreciate Lisa’s passion for God’s truth and her love for the Word. She doesn’t back off of hard topics. She packs each devotional with Scripture that helps us grow in our understanding of biblical theology. When we find ourselves in a hard place, our emotions are getting the best of us, and we have to make a choice as to how we will respond, theology matters!
I want this devotional to be a time where you are challenged to dig deeper. God’s Word is living. Though Lisa might not mention some of the hard places in which some of us find ourselves, the truth of God’s Word in these devotionals will help build a strong foundation that will help to keep us focused on God’s specific and unique love for His children.
I am delighted to introduce Lisa McHeard to you and I pray that you will soak in the Scriptures she includes as well as her perspective on each one.
Treasured by Him,
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Sharon W. Betters is author of Treasures of Encouragement, Treasures in Darkness and co-author of Treasures of Faith. She is Director of Resource Development and co-founder of MARKINC Ministries, a non profit organization that offers help and hope to hurting people. Sharon enjoys quality time with her husband, children and fourteen grandchildren and if you were Sharon's neighbor you would often hear lots of loud story telling and laughter coming from the home where Sharon and Chuck have lived for over 30 years.
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