about the series
Friends of Leonard Cohen, were shocked by the many religious references in his new song, “A Broken Hallelujah.” Cohen, not known for his spiritual depth was Jewish and even studied Buddhism for five years. Years later, after millions of people across the world embraced the beauty of this piece, Cohen explained the purpose of his words.
In this series, Sharon Betters not only unpacks Cohen’s comments but explains what it means for the child of God to sing and live a broken hallelujah. Sharon shares personal contemporary stories as well as the lives of Job, Paul and Silas, and other people from scripture to draw a tangible picture of a life that is a broken hallelujah. She touches on questions such as: What is a life that is a broken hallelujah? How does our worldview affect our response to those broken places in life? Does theology matter? How does our view of God equip us to live a life that is a broken hallelujah? Where is the joy in a broken hallelujah?
This series will encourage you to fall more in love with Jesus and experience His presence in the pathway God has marked out for you.
about the series authors

Sharon W. Betters is a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, pastor’s wife, and cofounder of MARKINC Ministries, where she is the Director of Resource Development. Sharon is the author of several books, including Treasures of Encouragement, Treasures in Darkness, and co-author with Susan Hunt of Aging with Grace. She is the co-host of the Help & Hope podcast and writes Daily Treasure, an online devotional.
Elizabeth Eno has worked for Wycliffe Bible Translators since 2004. She initially lived in South Asia facilitating Chronological Bible storytelling projects for more than 18 Bibleless people groups. Today, Elizabeth serves as Wycliffe's Volunteer & Intern Placement Team Leader. Elizabeth currently lives in Florida with her husband, Jason, and their 18 month old daughter, Lily. In her free time, Elizabeth enjoys being with her family and especially likes watching Lily learn and experience the world for the first time! Elizabeth writes periodically at www.elizabethstories.blogspot.com. Elizabeth's writings about her infertility and miscarriage journey can be found here: www.itisaprocess.wordpress.com.

Wendy VanWingerden and her husband Jake live on a farm with their children where they operate a large commercial greenhouse, supplying many local garden centers with annual bedding plants. Though trained as registered nurse, Wendy spends the majority of her days as a wife, mom and caring for her 14 goats, a donkey and too many chickens to count. She enjoys gardening, canning, freezing and baking, especially family favorites.
Wendy says, My husband and I were blessed with 4 beautiful children. 3 girls and one boy. Grace is 10, Emma 13, and Jacob is 17. Ashley, who would be 20 now, is the reason I am writing for you this week. She crowned me with the gift of motherhood, and her absence from this world breaks my heart every day. Ashley was taken into glory on July 24, 2009. Life didn't go as I planned, but I live every day forward trusting that God knows the plans, and he has promised to go before me.
A young mother recently lost her child to illness. She spent many long days and nights in the hospital room by her daughter’s side before life gave way to death. Although life as she…
“Sometimes it’s so hard to talk to God and to trust him when I can’t see him or feel Him.” My daughter said this to me while we lay there cuddled in her bed one night. I always take…
Have you ever listened to the words of the song you are singing? Do you ever stop singing because you realize that you cannot truthfully sing something…
Early one morning during a family vacation, I walked along the ocean as the others slept in. The waves crashed on the sand, the…
“If you don’t have good roots, you won’t have good fruit.” I heard my father-in-law say to my husband as they sat eating breakfast in…
Wendy and Jake’s beautiful eleven-year-old daughter, Ashley, stepped from this earth into heaven. Like a horrific, unexpected tsunami, grief shattered their hearts and…
I would not be completely honest if I did not share some of the anger and frustration I have felt along our journey losing our daughter, Promise, through late-term miscarriage. I used…
It has been ONE month since we said hello and goodbye to Promise - our baby girl who was born through a miscarriage at nearly twenty-two weeks. The world has gone on, and strangely, so…
My mom arrived just a few moments after the intense labor and miscarriage of our daughter. She had been on the phone with my husband Jason for the past hour or so, trying to help him know how…
After receiving the news that the baby growing inside me no longer had a heartbeat, and after confirming next steps with our doctor, Jason and I got a flight home…
The news about our little girl came just as we were finishing up a wonderful summer vacation so we were not at our home in Florida. Though that made our circumstances more…
Today was the day! I was nearly 22 weeks pregnant with our second child and my husband, Jason, and I couldn’t wait to find out the gender of our baby. The ultrasound tech took a few quick pictures and then…
Over the next two weeks you will hear from two women whose broken hallelujahs will encourage and inspire you though you may not have experienced the shattered hearts they.…
As a child, I sat with my parents and grandmother in our tiny Presbyterian church and gustily sang the old hymns. I especially.…
As a child, I sat with my parents and grandmother in our tiny Presbyterian church and gustily sang the old hymns. I especially.…
The covenantal promises of God formed a grid through which I learned to live life in the crucible of suffering. When I struggled.…
The prophet Habakkuk’s heart broke as he watched Babylon, the enemy of Israel, break the backs of God’s people by enslaving.…
Paul and Silas could sing a broken hallelujah because they believed in the promises of God, one of which is the promise of restoration. Their greatest.…
Paul and Silas sang at midnight because they believed in the promises of God. They believed His promises because God cannot lie. They believed.…
The steady, virulent progress of the malignant brain tumor gave real urgency to these questions for David. The disease had progressed relentlessly; a cure seemed.…
It’s midnight. Two men imprisoned on trumped up charges. Severely beaten, stripped of their clothing, put in stocks. The jailer checks to make sure the prisoners are secured and then he goes to sleep.…
Jesus uses events in our lives to show us new things about ourselves. Within a year after our son Mark’s death, our daughter Heidi married Greg, our…
What is your purpose in life? Many of us think our purpose is to recapture the Garden of Eden and our pursuit of that goal starts with our births. Think about it…
Christians sometimes offer false hope to struggling people because their theology is skewed. Browse a Christian bookstore and check out the titles. Are you drawn to titles like…
Our goal in our study of God must be to fall more in love with God and His Son, Jesus. Pursuing an understanding of God’s character and His perfect love…
Last week we took a quick look at Paul and Silas singing at midnight. Acts 16 tells their story. They were arrested under false pretenses; they were severely beaten, thrown into the inner prison…
Several years after Mark’s death God seared into our souls a vivid image of the privilege of corporate worship within our covenant community…
Our son Mark’s death stripped away all religious pretenses. I wanted, no I needed to know that everything I had taught, everything I said…
“I know what the title of your next book should be,” our friend said as she greeted us after church. She continued, “Read Acts 16 where Paul…
Leonard Cohen, author of A Broken Hallelujah was Jewish. For a time he also practiced Buddhism. He was not a professing Christian and there is a dark…
How often I have pushed back against this command to give thanks in all things, especially in the middle of great darkness. Perhaps one reason I push back is…
I was asked to teach a workshop on the topic of grief in the context of ONE Annapolis, a women’s regional conference sponsored by our denomination. As I thought about how…
It’s likely that I have never walked where you are walking, but I do know what shattered dreams and broken hearts are all about. My husband Chuck and I experienced…
Have you ever looked back on your life to see the evidence of God’s hand in preparing you for the future? This verse in Hebrews 11 is a definite neon…