Posts in Relationships
Do We Pass Our Sins On To Our Kids?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hi Dr. Betters, God has guided me recently to your videos as He has other good ministries over the years and because of them I have grown spiritually and owe much thanks to Christian brothers and sister and their gifts of the Holy Spirit. I have two questions? Are sins of the mother or father carried on into next generations and if their could be much more immorality because of it AND do people especially Christians that treat another Christian brother or sister unfairly or even cruelly reap what they sow either now or in eternity IF not repented to God and ask forgiveness to the person that they have hurt or unfairly judged. ? Thank you I have been a born again Christian for 48:years there has been rocky roads along the way but with Gods help have kept the faith. God Bless and thank you, Joanne from Canada"

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I Need My Husband Back

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, DayDay asks "I am 32 years old. I’ve been with my husband for 15 years. This year 2021 my husband unexpectedly passed away, on Valentine’s Day of all days, at 49 years old. We have three children ages 3,4 and 11. We have already been through so much in our lifetime (financially mentally and emotionally) and God took my husband from us, for what? What kind of God would want to see me and my children suffer? I don’t understand it, and I need answers. It’s not OK for God to leave me in this lifetime without answers and just think I’m supposed to forget about it when I die. Like I’m supposed to forget about it and my brain is supposed to be wiped clear and not have any questions. No it does not help me that people tell me that the heavens need him more because that’s not the case. We have a family together and I need him more. God has my husband for eternity. How could he need him more?"

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How Can I Save The Person I Married?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, Nathan asks "Hello, how can I save the person I married? I'm a man with faith which was one of the reasons why she married me. She comes from a family with no faith. My wife has become a very negative (evil) person who shows it to our children and I. Our 2 daughter's are 4yr and 11months old. My marriage is sacred and I will not give up on either my marriage or my wife because I know it is important to not just God but to me as well. I feel if I can save my wife then my kids can be saved as well but it scares me to know it can go both ways with the influence of the devil. I love your videos and they have helped me in so many ways but I could really use some prayers for my wife. I want her and others to be saved. Thank you for your service and any advice you can give."

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Being Lonely Is So Hard

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, “I have been in relationships for I know I need companionship but it’s not easy being single but how can I love someone who decides not to always be around. I don't want to be alone anymore it feels like I am dating me. I pray to God and all but I feel he been silent to me”

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Is It Okay To Have High Standards For A Spouse?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "I'm a female and 80% content and happy about being single. Sometimes I get a strong feeling of wanting a spouse, but the feeling usually passes quickly. But I have such high standards for a man, that I cannot believe there is a man like that. It would take a true miracle of God to actually send me a man with all the values I want. Is it right or ok to ask God for a spouse with specific values, or are we supposed to be open and grateful for whatever He sends?"

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How Do I Minimize My Risk Of Divorce?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Steven asks "I struggle with putting the pain behind do I let go and how can I make myself open to new opportunities? Yes, there is prayer and connecting and strengthening my relationship with God. But the pain is really powerful. I pray to exhaustion and I still have the pain of my divorce. I never wanted my divorce...I only wanted my wife. Maybe it wasn't God's will for us to be married since my wife has no faith in Christ. I'm grateful that we never had children. I'm 39 years old...How do I trust again? How can I minimize my risk of divorce not happening again?"

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